Break Up

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Chapter 16 

January flies by and soon it's February. The snow gets worse. We've had a couple of snow days which will affect when we graduate this year. Moonbin's arm is finally healed and I'm so happy because now he can hold me in his arms like I like to be held. I haven't talked to Ren at all since his confession to me. I don't know how I feel about it. He stayed at his seat next to me, so I switched to a spot up front. I expected him to follow me, but he didn't. Hannah got over her crush on Jinwoo and now she's focusing on her new hobby which is sewing. I sit at the lunch table, waiting for Moonbin to arrive when Ren walks in. His hair is frizzy as ever and he pushes his glasses closer to his face. I can see his gray eyes. I can't help but smile at him. He glances my way and I quickly look at the ground to avoid his gaze. He walks pass me and I sigh. Sanha comes in and takes a seat across from me. "Hey Nabi. You're here early." I smile at him. 

"Yeah, I got out of class early. Are you hungry? We can go and grab lunch." He nods and we get up and head towards the line. As we wait in line, the others start to come in. Rocky with Jinwoo. Eunwoo with MJ and Moonbin with Hannah. Sanha nudges me. 

"How was your weekend?" He questioned. I shrug my shoulders. 

"It was fine, how was your weekend?" 

"Crazy. We went to the arcade and Rocky and Ren's friend got into a fight!" He exclaims. I gasp. 

"What? Over what?" I demanded. Sanha lowers his voice.

"It was completely random. The guy kept demanding to know what was up with Rocky and Eunwoo and then Rocky just hit him." I glance over at them and sigh. 

"Were they fighting over me?" Sanha shakes his head. 

"I'm not exactly sure what caused the fight. I think Rocky just got annoyed." We grab a tray and head back to the table. I squeeze in between Moonbin and Hannah. Moonbin smiles at me, and I smile back at him. I glance at Rocky and sigh. He grins. 

"You like my battle scars?" He teases. I glare at him, and he smiles. "I'm really okay. Don't worry." His lip is busted, and he has a small bruise on the right side of his cheek. 

"Why are you going around fighting Ren's friends anyway?" I whisper. 

"The asshole deserved it." He whispers back. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "He better hope I never see him again. It's on sight." Moonbin laughs and I look at him. So, he knew too. Ren looks at our table and our eyes meet briefly. I reach up to kiss Moonbin, who surprisingly kisses me back.  When I look at Ren, he's eating. Avoiding contact with me. Does he know that I like him? I'm not going to give up!  I shake my head of his voice and focus on Moonbin and the others. 

After lunch, we head to creative writing class. Today is free write and I have a lot on my mind. 

Last night, I told my boyfriend I liked Ren. He said he knew and that it was okay. That he was going to show me why I chose him over Ren. I felt so stupid, I finally have the guy of my dreams, but I can't stop thinking of Ren. It's just like that night when I stepped in to stop Moonbin from hitting him. Was it then, when I realized I had feelings for Ren? Or was it at the arcade when he smiled at me? I want to shake these feelings. I have anything I need with Moonbin. UGH. I can't wait till I'm an adult and I know what I want. These teenage feeling are for the fucking birds. 

"Okay, free write is over. Today, we have a group project." The class groans and she tells everyone to shush. "Your group project is to create a short story about each other. Get as creative as you can. This will be a group of three so everyone will have to write at least one thing about the other person in your group. This will count as half your grade in this class so make sure to do your best." I glance at Ren, he's smiling. I want to mentally die. Moonbin turns his attention to Ren. 

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