Episode 4: Flee! The Facility!

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Baldi was driving his creepy yellow bus up to Iggy and Rex's house. He had a yellow raincoat, much like Gorgie's coat from IT. He also had a leather backpack with him, and his ruler was sticking out the top of the bag. He swiftly ran up to the door, which had a small coverage area, so Baldi could avoid getting drenched by the buckets of rainwater that were falling like bombs onto his shiny bald head. He knocked three short knocks, and was immediately met with Iggy, who was holding a shotgun that he had hidden near the front door of the house.

Baldi: Hi!

He said in his usual annoyingly over the top happy voice.

Iggy: What are you doing in the middle of town on a stormy day? Especially after that whole ordeal from not long ago where Pennywise almost killed us

Iggy asked with a surprised look on his face, which was odd, since Baldi knocked on their door every day to talk about rulers and other uninteresting topics.

Baldi: I have a game that all of you can play! Wanna come?

Iggy: This better not be like that game you made us play where you made us solve math problems!

Baldi: [In a sinister demonic voice] Oh no, it's not like that. It's a F U N game

Iggy: [Annoyed] Hold on... Rex, Eddie, Yoda, Tom, Jerry, Garnet, come here

Everyone came to the door and saw Baldi in an instant.

Rex: [Disappointed] Oh god... You again...

Eddie: *holding scythe* I know how to use this

Baldi: I know how it sounds, but I've changed, I promise!

Iggy: What is this game that you speak of then?

Baldi took out a Spongebob like title card, which said:


Iggy: [Gasps] WHAT?! You want us to play... THAT game?!

Baldi: Just try it!

Iggy: [Shouts] Ju- JUST TRY IT?! That game is one of the banes of my existence! The amount of times that I've almost died playing that game is unreal!

Rex: Really? It's THAT bad?

Tom: Hmm, sounds like a good challenge!

Iggy: It isn't just bad, it's unfair!

Jerry: Well, I've never played it before

Rex: [Curious] Yeah, me neither! Can we try it out?

Iggy: [Sighs] Fine, we can play. But don't say that I didn't warn you...

He then went inside to pack extra shotguns for the game.

Rex: Has he really changed, do you think this is another trap?

Iggy: Of course he hasn't. You and I both know exactly what's gonna happen. He'll take us to the game, everything will be normal for a while, and then he summons a demon from the other world into the game to kill us, and then we survive, as we always do, then he says that it was a mistake, or that he didn't do it, when he clearly did, then we accept his apology, and we go home, and the cycle repeats itself!

Rex: How about this, if I keep a good eye on Baldi, I'll determine whether or not he is truly out to get us?

Iggy: Well, I guess that sounds fine. I just... I just don't want any of you guys to get hurt. I've seen people die playing this game. I only survived because I was determined, and because me and my team stuck together. We better do the same, or we won't get out of this one

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