Episode 9: PowerCut

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The dark and stormy weather had returned to Herotown. Everything had been getting increasingly worse since the return from The Farlands, and the rain was at its worst this very day. The clouds were putrid dark gray, while the sky was a dark and hazy purple. Nobody was outside, as they were advised to stay inside until further notice. Iggy and Rex were at Baldi's schoolhouse, as they had stayed over the night before with the rescued warriors. The gang were waiting out the storm by watching TV, however there wasn't anything substantial on. The two were bored out of their minds without any sort of adventure, so they began to get into heated discussions about whose sword is bigger, which then moved on to remembering their older adventures that they had experienced thus far. While they were discussing this, Jerry came into the room and sat grumpily on the sofa next to them. The rest of the gang had stayed over due to how dangerous the storm was, not being able to leave their own homes. Thankfully, everyone had arrived before the storm had gotten worse, as Baldi had a ton of spare rooms. 

Baldi: Damn this storm

Iggy: You can say that again

Miku: Damn this storm 

Jerry: *sarcastically* Hey guys, wonderful weather we're having, huh?

Rex: How's it going Jerry? 

Jerry: Oh, you know how it is, nothing but dread outside. I swear, it's been hell since the cybermen decided to come here. I'm bored out of my mind! When will this storm go away?

Iggy: Nobody knows, it could be here for another week for all we know

Jerry: I can't stand another week of isolating! Screw the rain, I'll take it on any day!

Rex: And what about the lightning?

Jerry: Ha! Little bit of electricity won't stop me!

Iggy: Jerry, it's a lot more than that

Jerry: I don't care, bring it on, I'm waiting! Besides, Tom and N fixed the weather issue, why is it back?

Baldi: Something tells me this is something else

Iggy: Yeah, probably just summer rain

Baldi: No, something evil is amongst us 

Jerry: Oh come off it, Baldi. You say the most ridiculous of things sometimes 

Rex: Where’s Tom? Surely he'd know something about it

Jerry: He's hiding under the bed in one of the guest rooms, as he's not very fond of thunderbolts and lightning

Miku: Very very frightening 

Just then, the lights flickered rapidly, then they completely switched off. 

Baldi: Dammit, not another one!

He then lit up the room with his trusty torch, allowing only a small amount of light in the room. The sounds of the rain and thunder outside sounded like an orchestra, pattering on the metal roof. Rex also used his torch to provide light.

Eddie: *teleports in* Seriously guys?

Baldi: What?

Eddie: You call those glow sticks?

Iggy & Rex: The BeginningUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum