A Q&A Announcement From Iggy & Rex

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Iggy: *listening to music*

Iggy: *notices* Oh! Hey guys, hope you enjoyed our first adventure! Boy, the cybermen were tough, but we got there in the end

Rex: It definitely won't be the last time we see those guys

Iggy: True, there's more adventures to be had. Speaking of adventures, what was your favourite adventure in this volume, Rex?

Rex: *smiles* The facility. All of us combining strengths and working together, and a big explosion at the end. It isn't a good adventure without an epic explosion

Iggy: True. Me personally, that adventure in the forest was quite daring, as it was our first face off against Pennywise

Pennywise: *teleports in using crystal* Oh, I agree!

Iggy and Rex: Pennywise!

Pennywise: *chuckles* Oh, don't you worry, its the end of the story! I'm just here to relax!

Iggy: True. So, what was your favourite adventure, Pennywise?

Pennywise: The Powercut was a good adventure, until your little friend ruined my plans!

Eddie: *floats in* Hi

Pennywise: Oh great, he's here!

Iggy: Oh, hey Eddie

Eddie: Heya, I heard we were talking about adventures around here, what's going on?

Rex: We were just talking about the highlights of our adventures

Eddie: Hmmm, I enjoyed the adventure where I stole your ship and stopped the cybermen from destroying Earth

Iggy: Fair, though I'm still mad that you took my ship

Eddie: Hey, if I didn't do that, we wouldn't have an Earth, would we?

Iggy: Okay, okay, you've got me there

Pennywise: So, how do we decide which adventure was the best?

Rex: A poll?

Iggy: Nah, we don't have enough followers for that. Plus, wattpad doesn't have a poll option

Rex: What's a wattpad?

Pennywise: How about a party?

Rex: Pennywise, your parties usually involve abducting children. If anyone is gonna throw a party around here, it sure as hell won't be you

Eddie: How about we settle this the old fashioned way?

Iggy: Oh? And what would that be?

Eddie: Paintballing!


Eddie: Why not?

Iggy: You always shoot my crotch!

Eddie: No I never!


Eddie: Okay fine, I did do it ONE time

Pennywise: You shot everyone playing... Including your teammates!

Iggy: Okay everyone, caln down! Its clear to me that we cannot decide on what to do, which is why I've thought of the perfect solution!

Eddie: That being?

Iggy: Let's leave it up to the readers!

Rex: Yeah!

Pennywise: I agree!

Eddie: Okay, why don't we also do a little question and answers too?

Rex: Good idea

Iggy: *to reader* Leave a comment down below, tell us which story from the beginning book you enjoyed! Plus, leave a question! It can be anything you want!

Rex: A Q&A with no limits?

Pennywise: I have a bad feeling about this

Iggy: See you guys soon!

Leave a question down below, here are the character choices


Farwell, and stay safe!

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