Episode 3: The Forest

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As the group went back inside the school, Baldi directed them to one of the old classrooms. At the front was an old chalkboard, coated in math problems. Iggy took piles upon piles of books out from the bookshelves, looking for a book on demons.

Iggy: Gotcha!

He then took out the old dusty book, with a black cover and red text superimposed on the front reading 'DEMON'

Baldi: *puzzled* Wait, how did THAT book end up there? That book was banned years ago!

Rex: Yeah! Remember that time with those erotic vampires?

Iggy stared at Rex and tilted his head

Iggy: *confused* What do you mean?

Rex: *eyes widen* Oh, uh, nevermind, you weren't there

He had to be more careful bringing up past events. Iggy gently browsed through the pages, as they were close to tearing. Just then, he opened up on a page with a very large map, dating back centuries ago.

Baldi: *pointing* Look! That's a map of Marine Valley!

Iggy: Marine Valley from 1650! This was when the demon empire had complete control of Herotown, way before Shaggy had restored order, way before The Wolfamorphs and The Hour Of Chaos

Rex: Is this the very same map used by the demon tribe leaders?

Iggy: Must be! Unfortunately I don't know much about ancient demon culture, aside from what I've just told you. If only someone could help us

???: That's where I come in

Iggy turned swiftly, and saw that there was nobody there. He then felt a paw on his head, and looked up to see a wolfamorph floating in mid air.

Iggy: Eddie? How'd you get in here?

Eddie: *smiling* Door was unlocked

Rex: How did you know we were here?

Eddie: I have a tracking device that I placed on Iggy

Iggy looked around on himself, but he didn't see any device.

Eddie: *head tilts* So, whats this about demons that I'm hearing about?

Iggy showed him the ancient map. Eddie inspected it for a moment.

Eddie: Hm, 1600s demon tribe invasion map, nice find

Baldi: What do those marks mean?

Eddie: Look, each highly populated area has been marked in different colours. Red means in control, green is yet to invade, and finally, blue means in progress

Iggy then looked at Eddie's alpha mark.

Iggy: That looks similar to your alpha mark, Eddie

Eddie: Hardly. The demon tribe stole the red and lime colours and marks for themselves. The Wolfamorphs took them down a long time ago

Rex; So, do you fancy tagging along to take down a demon?

Eddie: Sure!

He then pat Iggy's head with his tail. The gang then went outside to Baldi's old bus, and climbed on. The bright yellow bus zoomed down the road, and was now driving in the countryside while it was raining heavily.

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