Episode 6: Plasma Power Plot!

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Tom frantically backed up against the wall, he was in utter shock at the sight of his own partner wearing that grey uniform. He couldn't believe it, his own love had betrayed him, and was ready to kill him. Tom hissed as loud as he could, as his claws stuck out like daggers. N slowly backed up next to Tom, analysing the situation. He wanted to try and create a distraction so they could escape unharmed, however, Ellie pulled out a strange device from her pocket, it was a Plasma Pistol 9000, a deadly firearm used by secret agencies.

Ellie: *tutting* It is a shame, you were a good boyfriend. Now I have to destroy you

Tom: *angrily* I should've known you were up to something! I can't believe I trusted you, you and I were close! And this is what you're doing?! You used me for your own personal little mission!

Tom began to glow red with fury, as he tried very hard not to light the room with flames.

Ellie: A grunts got to do what a grunts got to do. This is how work goes, hun. I must say, I do feel slightly bad, but still, work is work

Tom: *growling* If there's one thing you know about me, it's how I feel about being betrayed. You'll be lucky if you survive what I'm about to do

Ellie: And you'll be lucky if you survive this

Without hesitation, Ellie pulled the trigger on her blaster, sending a blast towards Tom's hand. Tom, in his moment of pure rage, felt nothing, as the blast covered his body. He absorbed the hit, and sent it back at twice the speed and twice the strength. The blast was so powerful that Ellie went flying back into a computer screen on the wall, knocking her unconscious. The screen behind her shattered into pieces and scattered everywhere.

Tom: *panting* I think we need some space, honey

N: What was that all about?

Tom: *recovering* That is now my Ex girlfriend. All this time we were dating, she was hiding something from me, and this is what it was

N: Is she dead?

Tom: No, most likely injured quite badly. Who cares, it's not my problem

N: Well, are we going to remain idols or get out of here?

Tom: Good plan. One small issue, this place is probably swarming with Plasma Grunts and Cybermen. What are we supposed to do?

N walked over to where Ellie was standing, and picked up her gun.

N: Wanna shoot some grunts?

Tom: *smirking* Now you're speaking my language!

Back at Eddie's cave, Iggy was lying peacefully in a hammock whilst Eddie applied a cast to his broken leg. Shaggy's green aura hummed from outside, with him and the others following shortly after. Rex ran into the cave, with Eddie's eyes turning green, and covering the resting Iggy. He let out a loud hiss, causing the gang to stumble backward in fright. Rex put his hands up to surrender, Eddie looked him up and down, as his eyes returned to normal.

Eddie: Please no sudden movements, Rex

Rex: Understood

Shaggy: Like, what's the problem dude?

Eddie: Iggy is in critical condition right now. He suffered a nasty accident late last night, and he must remain here until further notice

Rex: But we have big problems back in Herotown. There's a deadly storm, and Tom has been kidnapped!

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