Minisode: The Ward

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Donald: Slow night, eh Douggie?

Donald entered the hospital waiting room with a can of iron bru in his hand. He sat next to Douglas, who had a distressed and worried look on his face. He slowly took the can from his brother's hand, drinking half of it down quickly.

Douglas: I don't know, Donnie. Is he going to be okay?

Donald: *reassures him* EH, he'll be fine. This isn't the worst thing a wolfamorph has been through 

Douglas: *clenches fist* Boy, if I ever find the little cunt who did this, I tell ya, they won't even know what the word pain truly means 

Donald: There there, take it easy. Take a sip of yer brew and take some deep breaths. I'm gonna hit the hay now, as I've got a lot of work to do tomorrow. You stay here with Edward and wait for Iggy to arrive. I'll see you in the morning, aight?

Douglas: Aight, brother 

Just then, a purple portal appeared on the hospital waiting room wall. Iggy emerged from the portal, looking exactly how we saw him a few hours ago. The rage and distress hadn't left his body, if anything, it had gotten worse.

Edward North: *walks over* Good evening, Iggy. Thanks for coming 

Iggy: *coldly* Yeah... There's nothing good about this evening. Where is he? 

Edward North: Down the hall to your left. We've put him in a special ward

Iggy: I've got some black roses here for him 

Edward North: Oh, that's very kind. I'll put those in a vase for you 

Iggy: *nods* Thank you 

Donald walked over to the portal Iggy had just entered. He turned to nod at Iggy, and left. Iggy walked down the shiny floors of the hospital. It was pitch black outside, which gave Iggy a feeling of unease. He had never been to a hospital at night, let alone a hospital in another dimension. At last, after what felt like an endless walk, he arrived at Eddie's room. Before he could open the door, the same wolfamorph from earlier, Galaxy, was just leaving.

Galaxy: *smiles* Oh, it's you! 

Iggy: Is he okay?

Galaxy: I've just put him down for his nap. He's making a slow yet sturdy recovery. You can go in and see him, just don't wake him up, he can be a handful

Iggy: *chuckles* I know all too well 

Galaxy: I'll be back soon, take care 

Iggy slowly opened the door and stepped into the ward. The ward had been decorated with dimly lit fairy lights, so they wouldn't strain Eddie's eyes. There were stuffed animal plushies all around the room, making it difficult to take big steps. The hospital bed was covered in pillows and giant fluffy blankets, with one cup of oreo hot chocolate with marshmallows resting on the windowsill.

Iggy: *smiles* Damn, looks like you've got the luxury sweet 

Eddie laid on the bed, eyes closed and breathing slowly. He had bandages covering his wounds, and he was hugging a hot water bottle close to his body. Iggy sat on an old rocking chair which was a few feet from the bed. On the floor next to him was a Chronicles Of Narnia book, open on the story "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe"

Iggy: Someone's got good book taste 

Eddie continued to sleep, as Iggy looked at him.

Iggy: *Leans forward* It wasn't your fault, Eddie. You sacrificed yourself to save us from that bastard, and you did it. Of course, Pennywise didn't die, he could be sucked into a black hole and somehow survive... 

Iggy & Rex: The Beginningजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें