Epilogue: The Ward 2

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Douglas: Slow night, eh Donnie?

Douglas walked into the hospital waiting room with a can of irn bru in his hand. Donald sat at the waiting room chair, exhausted and annoyed.

Donald: Why does this conversation feel familiar?

Douglas: Because it's only been a day or so since Eddie was taken in for healing 

Donald: How did he escape from here anyway? Wouldn't someone have seen him? 

Douglas: *shrugs* No clue, Donnie 

Donald: Once this is all over and done with, I'm going to put a tracker on that sneaky nugget 

Douglas: *sips irn bru* Let's just be happy that it's the end of the first volume 

Donald: Volume of what?

Douglas: Nevermind 

James: *walks in* Enough of the meta shit you two. Eddie said he wants to see you 

Donald: Aight, c'mon Douggie

The twins walked down the hall towards Eddie, Iggy and Rex's room. Galaxy was standing out front, trying to stay awake. The twins stopped in their tracks, gently nudging Galaxy so she would wake up.

Galaxy: *sleepy* Huh?

Douglas: We're here to see Eddie 

Galaxy: *yawns* Oh yeah that thing, yeah right this way 

She slowly opened the door, falling directly onto a soft bean bag, where she smiled and drifted off to sleep. Donald and Douglas looked at each other and shrugged, as they went over to Eddie's bed. On the left of Eddie's bed was Rex's bed. Rex was watching Super Sentai on the hanging plasma TV, slowly healing and regaining his strength. Iggy on the other hand was hooked up to a big machine on the wall, which was scanning his body and healing his wounds. Eddie however was just as snug as the last time the twins visited, with heaps of blankets and plush toys covering him. Only his pouting face could be seen through the heap, alongside a hot chocolate with whipped cream in his left hand.

Douglas: What are you pouting at, boy? 

Eddie: I want caramel wafers 

Donald: *leans over to pet Eddie's head* You need healthy foods to recover, Eddie 

Eddie: *protests* But I want chocolate!

Douglas: Tell ya what, once you're fully healed, we'll take you to KFC. How does that sound?

Eddie: *caves in and smiles* Okay 


Donald: So, how are your human friends doing?

Rex: *uncomfortable* Crippling 

Iggy: Hey at least you didn't have to use your regeneration energy to take down an entire planets worth of cybermen 

Rex: I had my new powers stripped from me!

Eddie: *giggles* Heh, stripped 

Donald: Alright you three, quick bickering. You all need rest 

Eddie: But I'm not tired!

Douglas: Do you want KFC or not?

Eddie: *nods quick* I'll be good 

Douglas: Good. We'll be back in the morning 

Eddie: Okay 

Iggy: I hope we're out of here soon, I can't bare another night hooked up to this damn machine 

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