Chapter 6

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I wake up finding Sadia beside me and a little to close, her breath fanning my mouth. I sit up. We were binge watching a TV show but I guess we fell asleep. I yawn before grabbing my phone to check the time. It's only seven.

"Sadia wake up." I shake her lightly.

Her long lashes flutter before revealing piercing blue eyes. "What?" Her voice is raspy with sleep.

"It's seven. I'm gonna go home to get ready. See you at school?"

"We have school today?" She asks confused.

I laugh and get up. "Yeah it's Tuesday." I can understand how she could forget, yesterday did feel like the weekend. We stayed up late.

She sits up and stretches. "Are you coming over again today so you can start the paper?"


"Ok, Bye." She gets up.

"Bye." I leave.


"Who's house is it that you were staying at?" Mom says from the couch where she sits with Alora and Mamá beside her. I had a feeling she would ask this.

Aya's sitting on the other couch listening shamelessly while Andra sits beside her on her phone. "Just a friend."

"I need a name, Ari."


I give Aya a look, non verbally telling her not say anything. I already know she's gonna ask away in the car by the shocked look on her face.

"Last name?"


She swishes her mouth in thought for few seconds before looking at Mamá beside her. "That last name sounds familiar."

"Yeah. Farbod Hassan. That pendejo from that party we went to a few years ago." Of course they know her dad.

"Is she related to him?" Mom asks me.

"Yeah thats her dad."

She frowns in disapproval. "If she's you're friend why have you never mentioned her before?"

"Because we just became friends. We were assigned partners for a research assignment this week." I say.

"I'd like to meet her."

My brows furrow. "Meet her? She isn't my girlfriend."

"I need to make sure she's a good influence. She's related to an asshole. Wasn't she also the previous cheer captain?" Her dad must be pretty bad, mom rarely curses around us.

"Yeah but have you met Rani?" I love Rani but she's a terrible influence. Aya is proof of that. She acts like her.

"Yes and she's a great influence. I wish she was you're girlfriend, you two would be cute together." Mom says this any chance she gets, even when I was with Emma.

I cringe although happy about the topic change. "No we wouldn't. We're best friends."

Mom frowns. "I'm positive you two are in love, you just don't know it." This isn't the first time mom has suggested this. Me and Rani are just close.

"No they aren't." Aya decides to say before I can and I snort at the annoyance in her tone.

"Jealous?" I ask with a smirk.

She rolls her eyes.

"Why would she be jealous?" Mamá asks. "Rani is too old for her."

"For now." Aya mumbles but we all hear it.

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