Chapter 10

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Penelope's P. O. V:

However, we only got so far until a wall of bushes blocks our path. Frank stop s the van and we pile out to get a better look.

"I can't believe this!! We've come this far, only to be stopped by foliage!" I exclaim in frustration, glaring daggers at the foliage in front of us.

Pin says calmly, "We're only three miles away. If we run, we can make it." He starts walking through the bushes. "You were right. If you really believe in something, you'll get there. You just have to believe in yourself and chase after it." Pin takes my hand as I follow him through the bushes, a smile on my face.

He helps me over the branch and we start running for the Showgrounds, hearing Frank call after us.

"Go for it! We'll meet you there!"

Pin and I run until we arrive at the practice arena, seeing riders warming up their horses by jumping or dressage.

I laugh, feeling out of breath, "We made it!"

"We did," Pin agrees. We spot Callum and Alex leading their horses by.

I say, "Listen to me. When you get out there tomorrow, you have to show them all what you can do, okay?"

"What about you and Bella?" Pin asks.

"Don't think about me!" I tell him with a shake of my head.


"I'm serious, Pin! Not for one second!" I say sternly.

"Okay, I won't. As of this moment, I don't even know you exist," Pin says, making me chuckle.

"Good!" I say after a moment, gesturing to my left, "Well, I'm that way, so I should go..."

"Pippa, wait," Pin says, making me go back to him. "I had fun today. I couldn't have imagined being with anyone else in that moment."

"Will you just get over there and sign in?" I urge him, shooing him. "Go on!"

Pin chuckles before we part ways.

I find Bella tied up outside her stall, red rug on her back. Starlight was with her, also rugged up. I smile as I cup her muzzle and kiss her forehead.

Grandpa, Stacy, Ash and David approach us.

"Bella and Starlight were starting to think you weren't coming," Grandpa says.

Ash adds, "You two really were made for each other."

I hug my horse's head as I smile widely.

"Heroic Pippa saves the day again," Mia says and I turn to find her and Susie approaching me."

I ask as I turn to them, "Where do I register?"

Mia answers, "I already signed you in."

"Thank you, Mia," I say with a glance at her.

Mia tells me, "You did a good thing for Pin. But pull something like this again, and I swear, Bob and Becky will ride in your place."

I hold my hands up placatingly.

I continue to cuddle Bella as Ash and David linger with me, though everyone else has left, when I hear Jade call to me.

"You made it!" I turn to find her, Becky and Zoe running up to me, and I hug them.

"Don't tell me," Becky says when we pull back, "you were captured by horse thieves, escaped the smugglers' boat, and then had to ride the rest of the way back on Ghost Pony."

Book 2: Horse Play (Pin Hawthorn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now