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Penelope's P. O. V:

While dressed in my competition outfit, with a red satin tie, I lead my horse to the awaiting float. Bella has her red hooded rug, travelling boots and tail bandage on as I load her up.

 Bella has her red hooded rug, travelling boots and tail bandage on as I load her up

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Today is tryouts, and I was both excited and nervous.

I step up on the ramp and tie Bella in next to Raven before stepping out as Marcus shuts the bar.

"Pippa!" I turn to see my Grandpa heading in my direction with a black horse balloon with a string attached, a bouquet of flowers in pink wrapping, and an envelope.

"What is that?" I ask sheepishly.

I take the balloon from Grandpa as he says, "You missed the postman before you left this morning. Ashley and David sent these."

He hands me a card with a black quarter horse on the cover and I open it up. Zoe giggles as a neigh comes from the card. She's received something similar, but as a giraffe.

""We wish you all the best luck, Pippa. Have fun,"" I read aloud.

Grandpa tells me, "There's another for if you win."

I hand the balloon back to him with the card as I say, "I wish they could be here."

"Well, maybe next time?" Grandpa says.

Zoe says as she comes up to me, "Good luck, Pepper."

"You too," I say, holding out my hand for a shake. Zoe giggles again as she shakes my hand. We look at my Grandpa when there's another neigh, one of my eyebrows raised.

"Oh! Sorry! I couldn't resist. I love these cards," He says. Zoe and I roll our eyes at each other.

Grandpa comes over and hugs me as he tells me, "Just remember to have fun today, okay?"

"Always," I say when I pull back from him.

"I'll drop these off at home then come back for tryouts," Says Grandpa. We nod and he leaves.

Marcus asks as he comes over, "How are you feeling, Pepper?"

"I think I'm more excited than nervous," I say.

"Well, I know Pippa will do great. You'll do great too, Zoe," Says Marcus.

"Gee, thanks Marcus," She mumbles as I pat her shoulder comfortingly.

Marcus chuckles as Zoe wanders away with an exaggerated groan. Ted comes over with a full haynet and he asks, "All loaded?"

Marcus responds,"Just waiting on Gaby."

"And me!" We look to see Susie with Mia leading Firefly towards us. It was Mia who'd called.

"What are you doing here?" Asks Marcus as we both grin.

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