The New Pack

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Chapter three!! ENJOY!! Remember to VCF





And this is the entry to the boys' side of the story with Jason's point of view all the way through.



$•°Jason's POV!!°•$

I wonder if this new school has a track team. I wonder if the girls are hot, as Shane would say. What's the Crystal Moon Pack like? Will my friends and I fit into this school or even in the area?

Ugh, so many questions!

"You can say that again, your clogging my mind with those idiotic questions!!" Shane complained from behind me. "Yeah Jason you really shouldn't worry about moving into a new area, we have done it before. Only I think were staying in this area." Alex said from beside Shane.

"But we are in the Crystal Moon Pack's area! They are like one of the most powerful packs in the world!" I shot back. "Well our pack is known for our high ranking warriors. I doubt our pack is going to be shunned. Have you ever thought of that?" Interjected Alex.

A long breath in and I finally answered. "Guess not, but still."

"Well as my father said we should make a good impression on our first day at school. You never know Jason, there could be girls that might be super hot!!" Alex smirked, in a joking tone of course while Shane snickered. I threw them a withering glance.

"Yeah, very funny you guys and you never know we just might fined our soul mates." I said so I could watch as they snapped their mouths closed and turned their heads to look anywhere but at me. They knew I was digging into their thoughts.

Snickering, I knew I hit the right target.

From what I found about them one day, I just happened to stumbled upon them having a private discussing about finding their mates.

Though truthfully I wanted to find mine too. A male werewolf only has one mate in their lifetime, so it was super important for us to keep our eyes out and mind open.

After scouting out our area, we jogged to our new pack mansion or house. We climbed up the back porch stairs and headed toward the kitchen because after all the running we did outside, we usually get really hungry!

Meeting cook in the kitchen, she was stirring a pitcher of fresh lemonade and made a platter of ham and cheese sandwiches with some cookies on the side.

Grabbing some we thanked cook with a hug and walked back outside to enjoy the sunshine that was shinning brightly over head.

A moment later someone came out onto the porch, Alex's dad had a letter in his hand. "Hey guys, just got a letter from the alpha of the Crystal Moon Pack, says here that his daughter is in your grade and her friends. Looks like he wants them to show you guys around town."

"Well that's thoughtful of them and guys, please make a good impression! We want allies here, especially from the most powerful pack in the world."

"Sure." We replied in unison.

Grinning, he nodded and walked away.

"So what are we going to do know, I'm really bored here." Shane groaned. "Your always bored, no surprise there." I answered. "Hey let's race to that huge lake we spotted when we were scouting around this area!" Shouted Shane as his face lit up at the thought of running.

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