Track and Field

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Chapter eleven is here!

Sometimes I can't think of any think to write about, so it takes me forever to upload...don't get mad! It's just life.

Okay so VCF!!

Hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote, comment, and become a fan!!<3



$°Jason's POV°$

Blinking at the bright ceiling light, I glared up at it in irritation. High school...

I really hated Mondays.

Rolling over I snapped off my beeping alarm clock. Sliding off my bed, I smoothed it down and walked to my closet to pick out some sport shorts and a dark t-shirt. After pulling my clothes on, I slouched into my bathroom to smooth down my hair. Done.

Hurrying down the stairs, quickly I grabbed my school books and slammed into Britney, my little sister. Loosing her balance, I had to snatch her wrist to keep her from falling.

"So sorry Britney, didn't see you there." I rushed, as I continued towards to the kitchen, after I made sure she was balanced on her her feet.

Giving me an annoyed stare she replied in a huff, "I know you did that on purpose Jason. Why do brothers have to be so mean to their little sisters?! Just because I'm infinitesimal, does not mean I can't knock some sense into that minuscule brain of yours!"

I shook my head. Did I mention to you that my sister has a very advanced vocabulary, well she does. She's top notch in her all of her classes, meaning an overachiever slash straight A student, and a pain in my ass! Well some times, she's actually a funny person when she wants to be.


"Small, tiny, microscopic, little, mini.........get my drift." She said rolling her eyes. I nodded while heading down the hall that led to the kitchen. "And I'm not very small, just a foot and seven inches below your apex." She added quickly.

Ugh. I'm really going to have to buy a pocket dictionary because half the time I don't even know what my little sister was talking about! "Apex?" I questioned.

"The highest or culminating point, or to put it in a simpler form... you height." Britney answered, agitation seeping into her aurora. Holding my hands up in defense I replied, "Hey, it's not my fault that your a walking dictionary and how would I know what all those weird words mean?!"

Britney took a step forward and got very close to my face, well since she was smaller I had to look down and she had to look up. "Well then, look them up." She said and spun around and went back to her room.

"Man, dude I still can't believe that your little sister can beat a male like you in a verbal fight!" Turning to face Shane, I gave him a 'shut the heck up' expression. "Hey, I can't come up with a good comeback if I don't even know what the shiz she's talking about!"

"Still, she has the same blood that runs through your veins, plus you are an overachiever too." Shane pointed out. "Doesn't mean that I have the same brain waves my little sister has." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Whatever, right now I need something to eat and...where in the hell is Alex!" Shane looked around the hall and started for the kitchen again. "Language, Shane," Alex chuckled from the end of the hall. I shook my head, "You can't teach this puppy how to bark." I ducked as Shane's fist flew through the air, aiming right for my head.

"Watch those fists Shane!" Alex shouted as Shane's punch hit him instead of me.

"Sorry," he muttered, still glaring at me as we entered the kitchen.

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