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Chapter Thirteen

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.•*~SAM's POV~*•.

Groggy, I slowly sat up on some dead piles of leaves. Shaking my head, I glanced around confused. Looking down I also noticed that I was still in my wolf form. The dull thumping in my head started getting stronger as I nimbly climbed to my feet. Wobbly, I took in my surroundings, it seems like I was in a little shack somewhere in the woods. Still confused I changed back to my human form and put on my clothes that were tied to my legs. Walking to the wooden door, I pulled. It didn't budge so I pushed, still didn't move and that's when I saw a silver lock on the door. Panicking I tried the windows, I wandered over to each window. I breathed out with a sigh of frustration, all the windows were locked as well. Spinning around the shack I was trying to search for something to break the windows or at least pry them open.

Plan, I need a plan to get out of here! Moving to the back of the shack just across form the door, I ran straight into the door putting all my strength into it. Nothing happened to my disappointment, well at least not to the door anyways. The thing was like running full speed into a rock, hard, brick wall and somehow the stupid door gave me a deep cut up my arm. Watching as a drop of red sticky liquidly blood ran down my arm, just made me even more desperate to get out. Then suddenly it all came to me, all of the vivid details swam back into my brain, yes I was taking a walk and...and...my headache! That's it I fainted because of that horrible headache, the pain was to unbearable to take and there was that guy, which I think was another shifter but his aura was dark and murky meaning he wasn't a friend or a kind friendly shifter.

Sitting meekly in a corner I raised my legs up to my chest, hugging them firmly and thought. My friends are probably worried about me so they are probably searching for me right now as I think. But how I wished they would hurry up and get here soon! Lifting my head back up, I stared glumly at the old furniture that were scattered around the flour. A busted couch lay in front of a radio and an old tiny TV, the bed was pushed to the far wall holes and rips in the mattress and blanket. A few broken cabinets and a small fridge made up the kitchen, and a few cracked lamps lit the place up at night.

I turned and pushed up to my knees. Glancing out the window I noticed for the first time that dirt and dust made the windows look as if no one lived in here, like it was a falling apart building. Knowing that I was in the middle of some tropical forest and that I could faintly hear the crashing of waves upon the shore, means that I wasn't that far from my friend's cabins......right? Now if only I had a way to communicate with them. Sighing I rubbed my eyes, my head was throbbing again and it wasn't doing anything to help me think clearly. Aw. What am I thinking I don't even know if my friends are near or far from my prison and once again I felt helpless. Flashes of my twin sprang to my head, I absolutely hate this feeling! Something wet landed on my checks and slowly rolled down to the corners of mouth. More and more began to follow their path. Feeling more and more helpless by the second, I furiously rubbed away the tears. What did that emotion hold for me, but pain and of my past memories the ones that won't go away no matter what!

I mean that emotion didn't stop my brother from being killed right in front of me. My knees buckled and I curled up into a tight ball, there was no way out from the inside and even when I have the extra strength. I'm smart enough to know that if I kept ramming into the door it would only damage me and not the door. Only someone from the outside can open the thing. Kidnapped and stuck in this stupid shack.....what a wonderful trip this turned out to be, not to mention that idiot of a wolf I met in the diner, had put something strange into my drink to make me have headaches and pain. By now my tears were gone but my eyes were red from the salt in my tears. Looking down at my right arm where the deep gash still lay, bleeding but not as bad as earlier helplessly I mopped up the blood with the edge of shirt. Staring at the streak of blood now on my shirt, I put my head on my knees I was alone, without a friend in sight.

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