My Painful Secret

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Chapter six here! Hope you guys like it!

No new news. Hmmm, to bad.

Anyways, back to the story!!




.•*~Sam's POV~*•.

This can't be happening, last night I decided that while driving home I was going to to forget about my past with my ex-boyfriend and at least try to get close to Alex. I mean he's so sweet and kind to me after all. He also gives me my space when Nate wouldn't, and my conversations with Alex never got awkward like it did a lot of times with Nate.

But now, when I had that nightmare, everything began to turn into a puzzle. Right now I was just so confused and frustrated. All my feelings were jumbled and scattered about. I wanted to scream bloody murder but I refrained. I rubbed at my bruised wrists. My life was just a flattened mess!!

My brain was on overload and I thought that I was just going out of my mind!! But my past was just too painful to pretend it didn't happen, so who wouldn't go crazy.

I really did have a sad past though,because....well I never told any one but I had a twin brother, he was so sweet and caring towards me and he was the only one that always cheered me up when I was in a sad or in an enraged mood. Of course my best friends knows and my family, but no one else knew I had a twin brother.

He was always my other half 24/7 and like almost every brother, he never gave up on me. We fought and bickered but that's normal between siblings. I also have a reason why my nickname is Sam. It's not just because it shortens my real name, it was because it was my twin's name.

Hey, we were twins so my mom thought it would be cute if she named us both a name that would link us together. So the the outcome was Sam and Samantha.

I have to say it was quite creative though. In thinking these thoughts, I began seeing flashbacks of my brother's murder scene.


So I had two brothers that were always at my side while being the protective brothers every sister has.

My brothers were super protective over me though. Like for example, when my twin and I were in third grade and Matt in fifth grade, there was once a sour kid that always bullied and tripped me in science and math class. The kid loved to play pranks in me during lunch too.

On day I finally got fed up with the nonstop pranks that I ran crying to my brothers, who were the two most strongest and were very popular with almost every kid in school. I just have to say that the kid never ever touched me again when my brothers got through with him.

But one day when my family took us on a picnic to the lake, Sam, Matt, and I ran to explore the place. As growing pups, we were always curious. We decided to swim to the other side of a lake we found. After the swim we took a small trail that led us down to a flower field.

There were all kinds of flowers and all of them were unique in their size, color, and shapes. Skipping about I stared to pick every kind of flower I though was pretty. Water lilys, bright purple violets, elegant tulips, ice blue irises and much much more!

Suddenly a rustle came from the trees and a tall dark brown wolf with a unique design on his back, came

bursting out from the woods. Its sudden appearance made me drop my bouquet of flowers in surprise.

"Ah, just the girl I wanted to see....." he rasped, after shifting from his wolf form. Then he started to reach out to grab me by the arm but my brothers were already dragging me away. They both roughly shoved me behind them. "You are not touching our sister." My brother Sam said as he stood his ground.

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