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Chapter Fourteen



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•}~Lilly's POV~{•

Why didn't I see it last night! I can't believe myself, oh I'm such a crappy friend.

How did I miss that warning! Oh, Sam I'm very sorry. Tears welled up in my eyes as I sprinted down the beach. Wiping the tears away, I smashed face first into a wall of muscle. Looking up, I found Alex staring down at me while he was trying to steady me with a firm hand. "You okay Lilly? You look too pale for Jason's taste," just when he said that, Alex's hand suddenly disappeared. Surprised I was now face to face with Jason, who was growling low under his breath at Alex. "Don't just stand there and joke around, get something to help her out!"

"Sorry, I'll be back in a few minutes." Alex smirked as he jogged towards the cabins. Jason shook his head as he turned back to me with worry swimming in his eyes. "Is there something wrong Lilly? You sure seem like your in a hurry for something." I cracked a fake smile, as I took a step back. His frown was getting deeper as I inhaled. "It's Sam...." confusion mixed with the worry as he tried to decipher my words. "Go on..." he finally said. "She's in danger, well I'm ninety five percent positive she's in danger." I paused, I needed to find Sam fast and I knew that Jason would follow me until I told him the facts. So I started to run again as I took hold of Jason's hands. "She hasn't come back to the cabin last night or this morning, don't you thing that's suspicious? I mean Sam is really responsible and she would contact us if she had gone somewhere."

Slowly he tipped his head an inch forward and the back, as he read the clues. Dodging a fallen branch, I had my eyes scanning the surroundings around us. Anything out of place would be suspicious to me and more importantly a clue about Sam. On alert Jason sprinted by me, just a few feet ahead me. 'It's fine Lilly, she is not going to be hurt.' Jason's calm voice whispered in my mind, soothing some of my nerves. "She not okay Jason, she's probably hurting right now. We've should have just stayed in a group..." I skidded around a tree, if only, if only rung through my head. "A question-" Jason started, now speaking out loud instead of inside my mind. "Why didn't you tell anyone back at the cabin?"

Choking on a sob, I slowed, "It just came to me this morning. I freaked out and stared running in this direction before I knew it and then I bumped into you and Alex."

Her scent was just a small linger in the air, almost unnoticeable. Stopping, I took a deep breath to calm my agitated heartbeat. "Jason can you pick up Sam's scent?" He nodded, "It's very faint, but I think it's coming from that direction," pointing we stared sprinting again. The wind seemed to have turned colder as we ran farther in the direction. The air was chilled with a black mood and the birds seemed to have hushed their singing. Shivering, I glanced at Jason. Still alert, he glided closer to me protectively. We were getting closer every yard we chased down. I needed to see for myself that Sam is a hundred percent unscratched. It seemed like I am choking on a poisoned pill. I should have told Beth and the others, man how I'm regretting this. I always tell my friends about something important like this and know I'm kicking myself for this. Though I guess I wasn't really thinking about anything else but to find Sam. My mood suddenly changed as I curled my fingers into my palm making a fist. No, I'm going to be kicking her when I see her, for making me so worried. She will never know what hit her.

I shook my head and from the corner of my eye, something silver came whizzing a millimeter by my right cheek. "Watch out!!"

Jason knocked me onto the ground and check to make sure I was not bleeding and then he jumped back up and lunged at a slim black figure about fifteen yards away from us. The figure jumped behind a tree and started to sprint full speed away from us. "Get back here!!" Jason yelled. I pushed my way up on my elbows and hopped up to my feet in full sprint after Jason. Keeping them in my line of sight, a small muffled voice reached my ears. Stopping short, my heart rate sped up, that is if it could go any fast than it is right now.

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