Party Up!

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Here's chapter nine!

So sorry this is late! Since this is late I'll make this chapter extra longer!




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This chapter is on the big party, so I hope it's exciting!

Chappy nine!!!!!



Ø-{_Shane's POV_}-ø

"Ugh! I'm soooooo bored, is there like anything to do tonight! I mean I've been laying on my bed staring at the ceiling for, like five hours!" I complained, as I barged into Alex's room as he was doing his science project.

"Yeah, just come bursting into my room without a knock or a nice greeting, and if you haven't noticed I'm very busy right now." Alex sighed, defiantly annoyed.

"You know that project is not due until, like three days, right? So let's do something fun tonight!" I said ignoring his project, I brushed it away and sat down on the chair next to him, making his supply's scatter all over the floor.

Alex glared at me as he said, "Your picking that up."

"No, what WE are doing is something exciting or at least fun." I shot back.

"So what do you have in mind then!" he shouted, picking up some of the papers from the floor. "Well I don't exactly know but-" I got interrupted as the door swung open and Alex's mom stood in the doorway, with a massive smile on her lips.

"O...k..." I paused.

"Ummm, mom? Why are you in my room-" Alex got cut off as his mom waved a letter in the air, "Guess what boys!!" she squealed.

"Ahhh, what...?" we both said in unison.

"Well I just heard how bored you guys are and I think this will help!! You see this letter in my hand...well this happened to be an invitation to the Crystal Moon Pack's meeting! Plus-" she winked at us, "There will be a party afterwards!"

Wow, now that brightened up my day, or I should say night...

"So you guys going to come?!" she went on. Staring at Alex I made sure that my eyes held a death threat if he declined. "Why not." he said looking in my direction, with slit eyes.

Grinning, Alex's mom said over her shoulder, as she was walking out, "Make sure your dress in proper clothing and be down by seven. Now I have to tell the whole pack to get ready!"

As the door closed Alex's voice rang out behind me, "There you got your wish, now please leave me alone so I can finish the stupid project."

Nodding I reached the door but turned. "Hey Alex mind if I barrow your cell, for a sec?" I asked.

Looking up at me, his face turned into hesitation, "Why...." he said. "Well, Jason went for a run and I thought that he would want to know about the meeting." I answered.

"Fine, but don't take it and leave it somewhere where it won't be found again, like last time," turning back around, he continue his project again in silence. So whirling around, I grabbed his iPhone and walked to my room.

Dialing Jason's cell, it took only two seconds for him to pick it up. "Hello." came the instant reply on the other end. "Hey!" I said in a girlie high pitch voice. "Ugh, really Shane," an agitated Jason, moaned. "What, were you thinking this was a certain curly red haired girl....hmmm." I joked, knowing that he thought it was Lilly, that was calling him.

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