The Mysterious Wolf

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Here's chapter ten!

Sooooo I'm finally uploading on this story! Yeah! These past few weeks have been a major pain in my side, with all the end of the year school work and my family came down for a week to visit, so yeah...

Don't be shy...




Well enjoy and become a fan!


.•*~Sam's POV~*•.

Swinging on the swing in my back yard, I drifted off into my daydream world.

Last night wasn't at all what I though it was going to turn out to be or for that matter end. I still can't believe that Alex lost his dear little sister. Shivering in the cool air as the sharp winds sped by like a bullet, I wrapped my jacket closer to me.

Life is so cruel sometimes.

Glancing up at the gray clouds a sudden rumble split throughout the sky. Looks like a storm is brewing in the North.

Taking a look at my house, I decided that I needed a walk to make me calmer and not so stressed out. Going behind a large oak tree I pulled my clothes off and folded them neatly and stashed them behind a blueberry bush we had. Quickly I shifted and trotted in a slow pace through the woods.

Cool fresh air swirled around me as I picked up my pace. Dodging holders, trees, and other vegetation I kept going, I never wanted to stop, I just wanted to run away from my fears and past, just wanted to be free of my childhood memories and escape.

In the forest I could think and be safe from those memories. But I knew in my heart that I could never safe, protected, or free. I've lost to many people I loved and knew. By now I was so very far from my home, far from my troubles, but also far away from my family.

In the distance was a little stream. My legs wanted to push on, but my heart didn't want to be so far from my family so I stopped and trotted to the clear stream to get a drink. Once on the shore I lowered my head and lapped up the cold water with my tongue. The refreshing liquid rushed down my throat in anticipation.

Lifting up my head I gazed at the reflection before me.

A beautiful pure white wolf stared right up at me, her emerald eyes a mix of happiness and full of a tragic past just beyond the glittering green circles in the center of her eyes.

Stop torturing yourself! I commanded to myself. Just stop.

I turned away and slowly headed towards my house. Closing my eyes as I imagined myself with my friends. We were at a breathtaking lake, so wide and endless, the sun was setting making the water gleam a golden color.

I lifted my head only to find Alex staring back at me, with love glazing his blue eyes.

I smiled at him and leaned back and tucked my head into his warm chest. his hands wrapped around me like a comfortable blanket, I felt whole...alive. Without a worry and the pain, just like I've always dreamed of being.

He started bending his head forward, probably to kiss me, his mouth came closer and closer.


Startled, I whipped open my eyes and spun around, ready to defend myself from any danger. My eyes scanned the the area and then landed on a bright glowing pair of red eyes through the thick green vegetation. "Who's there." I asked making sure my voice didn't sound like my heart, pounding and stuttering in fright.

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