Chapter 1

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(Dipper pov)

I close the front door behind me, setting my backpack down my the stairs. Hearing a meow I look down seeing Joker sitting at my feet. "Hey there little guy." I pick him up petting his fur as I carry him to the kitchen. I see his food bowl is empty. "Didn't Mabel feed you this morning when she stopped by to get her things for school? I texted her to so she wouldn't forget. Although.....Patty might have just let her borrow some stuff for school so she didn't even stop by like she was supposed to."

I set Joker on the ground as I get a can of cat food and a can opener. I open the can and pour the contents into his bowl. "Now, I know I technically shouldn't give you milk but you just love it too much."

I walk towards the fridge but stop seeing muddy footprints on the floor and it all of a sudden it feels colder. I follow the footprints and the cold feeling finding the shattered back sliding door. Gulping nervously I back up as I slowly take my phone out of my back pocket but freeze when my back hits what feels like another person.

Before I can react a hand clamps down on my wrist as he tightly holds a cloth over my nose and mouth. I struggle trying to get free, unable to stop myself from inhaling the sweet scent as my body starts feeling heavy and everything starts going dark.


"No no!" I yell as I sit up in bed, sweat dripping down the back of my neck.

"Hey, you alright?" Bill sits up next to me as he rubs my back.

I sigh as I run a hand through my hair. "Yeah. Sorry I didn't mean to wake you. What time is it?"

"It's 3 in the morning."

"Again? Dammit, why is it always 3 with these stupid dreams?"

"Come on. We're both going to be up anyway. Let's get some coffee and talk about it."

He stands up and gently takes me by the hand leading me downstairs to the kitchen. He sits me at the counter as he starts making some coffee.

"Bill, we really don't need to do this. It was nothing."

"You know what the doctor said. No bottling it up. So spill it." He pours two cups of coffee, making mine just the way I like it.

"You know it is still kind of creepy how you always make my favorite foods with no flaws. "

"Would you rather I make bad coffee?"

"That isn't what I meant."

He takes a sip of the coffee. "So what was I doing this time? Cutting into you again?"


"Killing the good samaritian?"


"It wasn't a nightmare about sex was it?" He jokes making me laugh slightly.

"No. It was about when you took me."

"So walk me through the dream."

"I came home. Picked up Joker as I was talking to him. I put his food in his bowl and was going to get milk to spoil him when I felt cold and saw the muddy footprints. I followed them and saw the broken glass sliding door. I back up taking my phone out."

"But I grab your wrist and help the rag over your nose and mouth."

"Yeah but you didn't say those words. When you took me, you told me 'Easy, easy there baby. I'm not going to hurt you. I need you to calm down for me sweetheart, I'm taking us home.' But in this dream you didn't say that. And I'm not sure it was even you."

"What do you mean?"

"You were firm but gentle. You wanted to keep me from calling the police but you didn't want to actually hurt me. In the dream, the man gripped my wrist so hard that I thought my wrist was going to break."

"Who else would you be dreaming about kidnapping you?"

"I don't know. Especially since it's the same way you took me."

"I thought you were getting better. You were finally three months without a bad dream."

"I heard on the radio today about some guys around my age that had been killed. I guess it just stirred up old memories from the past."

He gently holds my hand offering a small smile.

"No one is going to hurt you. You know that right?"

"Of course I do. Just....It's scary to hear about people being killed. From what I've heard they're all boys that are the same age as me."

"Well if there really is a murderer out there, then we will just have to trust the police to do their job."

"What if it's another serial killer though?"

"Remember when those dead cats kept turning up and you were convinced there was a young serial killer living amongst us?


"And what did it end up being?"

"A disease spreaking among the cats."

"If it really is something as dangerous as a serial killer, then the FBI will be called and catch the guy. "

"What if I get taken again?"

"That won't happen because I promised when we got married that I would never let anyone hurt you ever again." He smiles as he looks down at the wedding rings on our fingers, them being gold bands with small pinetree and triangle symbols carved into them.

" ever think about your mom?"

"Sometimes. You ever think about yours?"

"More then I would like to admit."

"There isn't anything wrong with thinking about the past."

"But there isn't anything good in either of our pasts."

"We met each other. That's one good thing about the past."

"You know it still is very weird when people ask how we met and got together."

"Who has asked?"

"Amber, a friend from work. She was asking how I met you."

"What did you say?"

"I gave her the short version. We met at a party in high school. But wants me to someday tell her the full version."

"Well you don't have to tell her anything until you are ready." He leans across the counter softly kissing me on the lips taking me by slight surprise before I kiss him back.

Say I do (Sequel to Unsuspecting Love)Where stories live. Discover now