Chapter 4

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(Dipper pov)

I sit on the couch and hug my knees to my chest, my hands trembling as I keep looking at the clocks every 10 seconds. What is taking Bill so long? He said he was only going to be out for a minute but it's been 15 whole minutes. He should have been back by now. I jump a bit hearing the home phone sitting on the coffee table ring. I nervously pick it up, Relieved that it's only Amber.

"Hey, you okay Dipper? I tried calling your cell but it just kept going straight to voicemail."

"Yeah...I....uh...." I look at my phone that I had shattered on the floor with a hammer at 3 this morning. "I dropped it in the toilet. It's not working anymore."

"I know that yesterday was really fucked up and I understand that you need time off and you can have the time off, I just would have preferred you told me you were going to take a few days off."

"About that.....I can't come back to work until they catch the guy who attacked me."

"Are you serious? Dipper, we don't know how long that will be."

"I don't care. I am not stepping foot outside of this house until he is arrested and people are no longer dying." I abruptly hang up setting the phone down again.

"Dipper? I'm home." The door opens and Bill enters the house carrying a big cardboard box. He shuts the door behind him.

"L-Lock it. Lock the door."

"Already doing it." He locks the door before setting the box on the coffee table. "We have discussed the scratching."

I realize that I was scratching at the old scar on my arm from 6 years ago. I quickly stop as I hug my knees to my chest tighter. "What's in the box?"

"Well why don't you open it to find out?"

I move closer to the coffee table, slowly opening the box but jump back slightly as something pops its head out of the box. "Ah!" It takes me a minute to realize it's just a puppy. "Wait....who is this?"

"This little guy is Chester. He is an australian shepard and beagle mix. I thought having a dog around might help you feel safer. And I know that you've missed Joker since he passed away."

I pick the puppy out of the box, smiling as he licks my cheek

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I pick the puppy out of the box, smiling as he licks my cheek. "Thanks, Bill. Where did you get him from?"

"Earlier today I saw a post on Facebook about someone giving away free puppies."

"How did you come up with the name Chester?"

"I was eating cheetos on the way there and thought of the mascot on the bag. Chester cheetah."

I laugh slightly as I pet Chester. I look up hearing a knock on the door. Still holding him I get up looking through the peephole. " no no...." I mumble under my breath.

"What is it. Dipper?"

Keeping the chain lock in place I unlock the dead bolt an dopen the door as far as the chain lock allows, Dr. Reid Agent Rossi. "Hey, Di-"

"I told JJ yesterday everything I know. I have nothing else to say about it."

"Dipper. Please let us in. This is really important."

Sighing I close the door unlocking the chain lock before opening it and letting them in. Once they're in I sit on the couch with Chester in my arms and Bill standing behind the couch.

"Do you mind if we talk to you two separately?"

"Why? Bill didn't do anything."

"Dipper." I feel Bill put his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay. You stay out here. I can make them some coffee and talk in the kitchen."

Bill and Agent Rossi head to the kitchen. Dr. Reid sits in a nearby armchair. "Who's this little guy?"

"Chester. Bill just gave him to me today."

"What happened to Joker?"

"He passed away a few months ago. Old age. Why are you really here?"

He puts a picture on the coffee table. "Do you recognize this man?"

I look at it, the man in the picture having long blond hair that went to his soldiers. It takes me a minute to recognize him. "That's Pete. He works the night shift at the bookstore."

"Who was on his shift with him last night?"

"No one. The night shift has few to no customers so only one person ever works it."

He lays out another picture, it being of the body I found. "The person you found was Pete."

"What?" Chester hops out of my arms and runs around the room. I look at the picture closer and with horror I realize he's right. His hair is cut much shorter and it's dyed brown but it's definetly him. "Oh god...."

"He was beaten, hair dyed, and had his throat slit. He is the 10th victim in the last month alone. There hasn't been anything like this in 6 years."

"No no no!" I yell as I stand up walking away from him once I realize where he's getting at. I turn to him, hugging my arms to myself my body trembling. "Bill did not do this!"

"Dipper, he had kidnapped you when you were 17. He beat you and cut you. You testified against him."

"He got out because of good behavior. I have kept an eye on him for the whole past year."

"You two rushed to get married only 3 months after he was out."

"We had already known each other for 5 years."

"Dipper if you just listen for a moment."

"No! You are wrong!"

"Has anything happened in the last month or so? Anything traumatic to him?"

"No! For the past year he hasn't even had a car or his own job! He didn't hurt anyone if you people would just listen!"

"Dipper stop! You're hurting yourself!"

He grabs my arm that had been scratching at the old scars and I pull it away from him as I hug my arms to myself, trembling falling back against the wall.

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" I just keep screaming that as tears fall down my face.

"Stop! You can't touch him please!" Bill comes over to me as my nails start fratnically raking over my arms. "Dipper, calm down please."

"They're everywhere! Get them off get them off!"

He gently grabs my nails to make me stop scratching myself and pulls me into a hug, rubbing my back as I cry into his chest.

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