Chapter 6

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(JJ pov)

I look around the bedroom, it in ruins. The sheets are ripped off the bed, the pillows torn to shreds, clothes taken out of the dresser and thrown on the floor. Any picture of the two of them is destroyed. I pick up the broken frame of a picture from their wedding day, it looking like someone stomped on it out of anger.

I look up seeing Luke enter the room. "The window in the kitchen is broken. All the other doors were locked until Bill came home so my guess is that he broke the window to get in. Dipper probably heard it and ran up here to hide."

"Bill said that Dipper called him saying it was the man who had attacked him."

"So he investigates it and sees the masked man who attacked him. So he runs up here calling Bill for help. I found a piece of cloth that looked like part of a pant leg. I would guess the dog bit him and tore it off before he locked it in the closet."

"Look at this room. It's complete overkill. Everything that resembled a healthy and loving couple was destroyed."

"How did you guys catch Bill 6 years ago?"

"He had allowed Dipper to use a dead man's phone to call his dad and let him know he was okay. Garcia was able to ping where it was coming from."

"I know we were thinking that Bill could be behind these killings again, but I'm less sure of that theory the more we investigate."

"I need to talk to Bill again."

I head downstairs where Bill sits on the couch, his head in his hands trying not to break down. I sit in a nearby armchair. "Did you find him? Have you found him yet?"

"No not yet."

"Then why aren't you people looking for him! For all we know he could be dead!"

"Bill please calm down. We are doing everything we can. My name is JJ, you remember me?"

"....yeah. You were at the parole hearing and were a major reason they released me."

"Now I need to ask you some questions that you won't like and it's important you tell me the honest truth. Alright?" He gives a slow nod. "Dipper's cell phone. What happened to it?"

"He usually wakes up at 3 in the morning from nightmares. I usually wake up with him, like a 6th sense, but this time I didn't. I woke up hearing noises from downstairs. I came down and saw him sitting on the ground smashing his phone with a hammer. He claimed that he was scared the man who attacked him would be able to trace it and find out where he lived."

"And you're the one who gave him the dog?"

"I thought it would make him feel safer. I had just assumed that the man who attacked him was just a random mugger or something. I didn't think it was anything super serious."

"What happened before you left the house today?"

"After the agents left, I wanted to do something nice for him. I was going to the store to get some wine and pasta when he asked if I was killing people. I don't think he really believed I was the killer, but he was scared out of his mind. I told him I wasn't and that we would talk more once I got home. I told him I loved him and then left."

"Did he say it back?"

"No. When he called I thought he was going to say he wanted a divorce."

"What did you use to incapacitate your victims?"

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?"

"It's important to know, Bill."

".....chloroform. I know it's old school but it was cheap and the easiest thing for me to get my hands on. I didn't want to hurt any of them if I didn't have to."

I lay out some pictures of the victims over the past month and point to two burns found on their necks. "These burns are believed to be from a tazer. Whoever is doing this, doesn't care about hurting his victims. But he for some reason is killing them the same ways you did, even making them look like Dipper just like you did."

"None of my victims were found with their clothes on. Did he have sex with these ones?"

"There is no sign of it."

"I didn't rape anyone, I just told them if they did it with me then I would let them go. I think I was saying it more for myself so I wouldn't feel guilty for everything I was doing." He picks up one of the pictures looking at it closer.

"We know already that he doesn't draw the big dipper on them like you did."

"This isn't right."

"What do you mean?" He sets the picture on the coffee table and points to their hair.

"I used box dye, but this is spray on stuff. You have to look close but even in the pictures I can see it flaking. And they didn't cut the hair right. I purposly made my victims look exactly like Dipper. But this guy isn't doing that. He is just hacking away their hair to make it shorter."

"How is that different from what you did?"

"Because Dipper has curly hair. Before I dumped the bodies I would have to work harder to make my victims hair look curly after I dyed it. But this guy isn't doing that. He's just hacking the hair to make it shorter. It's like he has a vague idea of what I did and is just trying to copy it."

"You have any idea who would want to take him? I think Dipper is his end game."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because he didn't just take Dipper. He destroyed anything that resembled your life with him. Something like this takes years of boiling rage."

"I don't know. I'm sorry but I just don't know." He puts his head back in his hands and I see his tears hitting the floor. "He was getting better. We were trying so hard to move on from what I did and he was actually getting better. He was happy and smiling again. And now he's gone...."

"I promise you, that we are going to do everything in our ability to find him and return him to you safely."

Say I do (Sequel to Unsuspecting Love)Where stories live. Discover now