Chapter 7

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(Dipper pov)

THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! That is all I have been able to do since I woke up in this trunk. The only sound I have heard in hours besides the car engine is my feet uselessly and weakly kicking at the trunk of this car hoping that by some miracle it opens up. But even if it does then what? I can't see anything with this burlap sack over my head. Even if I could, both my ankles and wrists are ziptied tightly so I can't run even if I got out of this fucking trunk.

I feel the car stop and I whimper weakly, it muffled from the gag he had shoved in my mouth and tied tightly so I can't get it off no matter how hard I try. I hear the car door open and slam shut, the sound of heavy footsteps crunching on leaves. The cold breeze that blows over me alerts me that he has the trunk open now.

"Do not fucking struggle or try to get away. If you do you will be killed." I feel him cut the zipties off my ankles before he grabs my arm hard forcing me onto my feet and out of the trunk.

The grass pokes my barefeet and the ground is cold. I hear a door slide open and shut, the ground under my feet changes. Instead of just the cold ground it's smoother and pokier. Hay maybe? Because if so then that means he most likely has me in a barn.

He shoves me hard to the ground making me whimper again as he clamps something metal and cold around my right ankle.

"Not so tough are you now, bitch. What did all those people find so special about you?" He pulls the bag off my head and I have to blink a few times for my eyes to adjust to the light. I was right, we are in a barn. I look up at the man, it being the same one who attacked me at my work. Same black mask and all. Looking at my ankle he has it shackled to support beam.

I look over at the man again as he walks over to someone else who's wrists are chained to a hook above his head making it so his feet are barely touching the floor. He is gagged just like me as well. He's around my age as well and has brown hair like mine except his is longer.

The black masked man walks over to a table of different things. He gets a blowtorch and I watch in horror as he uses it to burn the man's face, the man screaming in pain but it's muffled from his gag.

It goes on like this for hours, him torturing him in various other ways. Burning him, cutting him, electrocuting him, even just beating him with his fists or metal pipe. It is horrible to watch.

I try to scream for him to stop but not a single word will come out. He finally lets the guy down, ziptying his wrists as he drags him over to a support beam next to the one I'm chaned to.

He shackles the stranger's ankle to the other support beam before leaving the barn.

The man reaches up taking our his gag before he painfully coughs. He looks over to me and slowly makes his way over to me. I whimper as I try to scoot away from him. "It's okay, it's okay I'm not going to hurt you I promise." He takes the gag out of my mouth so it just hangs around my neck. "See? Isn't that a lot better?"

Not thinking I just start screaming as tears stream down my cheeks. "Help! Someone please help!"

He quickly clamps one of his hands over my mouth muffling my screams. "Shh! Please stop! He will hear you and come back!"

He lets go and goes back over to his suppoer beam sitting with his back to it. "Who is he? What does he want? Why is he doing this?"

"I don't know. I just know that two days ago I was walking home from the library when he got me."

"....he attacked me in an alley by where I work. I managed to mace him. Then a few days later he broke into my house.....this can't be fucking happening again...."

"Again? Has this guy taken you before?"

"No, not him....when I was 17 boys that were the same age as were being killed. When the bodies were found the killer made them look like me, even drawing my birthmark on them. I came home from school one day and he was there waiting for me. I was supposed to be safe.....m-my home is where I am supposed to fucking be safe! This can't just fucking keep happening!"

"The police will find us. They just have to."

"How? How can they possibly find us before he kills us? They have no clue who he is or where we are. We don't even know where the hell we are."

" did they get that guy who kidnapped you when you were 17?"

"He let me use a dean man's phone to call my dad. To let him know I was okay. They only found me because they got lucky. This guy is smart. He plans everything and I mean everything. To the smallest detail. I thought that I knew who was doing this."

"What do you mean?"

"The guy who was killing people 6 years ago, he would slit their throats and they would have bruises from him beating them for days. So when I saw people on the news being found with throats slit, bruises on their faces, their hair cut and dyed, I thought for sure it was the same guy who took me."

"How do you know that this psycho isn't still the same guy?"

"Parts of his MO are missing. My birthmark isn't drawn on any of them, they are being held for shorter periods of time, they are fully clothed, it's more like someone is taking his formula and butchering it."

"Then who the fuck would be doing this to us?"

"I....I don't know...."

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