Chapter 2

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(Dipper pov)

I slowly wake up feeling a hand in my hair. Rubbing my eyes I look up seeing that my head is on Bill's lap and he's reading a book as he runs a hand through my hair. He smiles down at me. "Morning sleepyhead."

"Did I fall asleep during the movie again?"

"Yeah but it wasn't that good of a movie anyway."

"How did it end?"

"Everyone died. A really sucky ending if you asked me."

"How long have you been up?"

"Only a few hours. Didn't want to wake you."

"What's that your reading?"

"Your copy of 'The Book Thief'." He hands me the book. "It's a good book."

"Yeah. Haven't I told you not to touch my books without asking? You always bend the pages."

"I know. I made sure to use a proper bookmark this time so don't worry."

"What time is it?"

"If you get dressed now then you will be able to make it to work with 5 minutes to spare."

"Alright." I get up rubbing my eyes before I stand up putting the book back on the bookshelf before I head upstairs.

I get to our bedroom changing out of my pajamas into my work clothes. I grab my satchel heading back downstairs pulling the satchel on.

Going into the kitchen I open the fridge looking for a quick breakfast. "Ahem." I look at Bill who leans back on the counter with a thermos in hand, the other hand holding a piece of jelly toast in a plastic bag. "Got it ready for you while you were getting dressed."

I take them from him putting them in my satchel. "Thanks. Do you need the car at all today? Don't you have a job interview in a few hours?"

"I did. They called and cancelled it so car is all yours." He tosses me the keys. Ever since he got out of jail he's been struggling to hold down a job. He's usually fired as soon as anyone finds out about his criminal history.

"I'm sorry. But I am sure that in no time one of the other places will call you back and hire you on the spot. You want me to ask Amber again about if she's hiring?"

"No. I told you already, as much as I would love working with you I know that I would get clingy and dependant on you too much again. "

"But I hate to see you struggling for work like this."

"We're managing. I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." He softly kisses my forehead. "I will see you when you get home."

"Bye." I wave bye as I pull my shoes on and rush out the door. Getting into our car I drive out of there and down the street towards work. I eat the toast as I drive carefully.

I park in the parking lot of the bookstore I work out, wiping crumbs off my face as I get out of the car pocketing the keys and drinking our of the thermos as I step into the bookstore heading to the staff room setting my satchel down.

"You are 30 seconds late." Amber teases me.

"Yeah yeah, blame it on traffic." I pin my name tag to my shirt and take my jacket off hanging it up.

"What's this?" She picks up my thermos. I take it back from her.

"Coffee. Bill prepared it for me this morning."

"How does he always know to make your things perfect everyday?"

"He just knows me I guess."

"Dan knows me and he still can't make my coffee right."

"Um.....remember how I told you that I met Bill in high school?"

"Yeah, you guys met at that party."

"Well the reason he knows so much about the stuff I like is because a bit after the party he kinda stalked me. I didn't even know he did until he told me about a month later."

"Really? And you're still with this guy?"

"This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you. The whole story with Bill and me is really complicated."

"Look, I'm sorry. I want to understand the whole story."

"Well I'm not ready to tell it."

"Okay....hey can you take out the trash to the dumpster? Pete forgot to do it last night."

"Yeah." I grab the bag of garbage and head out the side door to the dumpster in the alley heaving the heavy trash bag into it.

I go to head back inside but trip on something and fall to the ground hard. "Ow." I push myself onto my knees and look at my hands, them scraped up and bleeding slightly. "Ow." I look to see what I tripped over and it looks like a pair of legs wearing dark pants. The rest of the person is covered with a tarp.

"Hello? Sir?" I slowly get up making my way over to them. A few weeks ago, a building complex got demolished and a lot of people evicted so we've had a lot more homeless people. "Excuse me? I'm sorry you can't stay here. But there is a shelter and rehab center only a block away. I can even drive you there if really need me to."

I slowly take the tarp off but drop it in horror as I back away. A man lays there dead, his throat slashed and bruises covering his face.

"I-I....I need to call someone."

Reaching into my pocket I go to pull my phone out of my pocket when someone tackles me to the ground hard, a gloved hand tightly grabbing my face and covering my mouth.

Looking up I see someone in a black hoodie wearing a dark mask of some kind. I struggle kicking my legs trying to get him off of me, trying to scream for help as I see him raise a knife up.

My hand feels the ground for anything, anything at all that could possibly help me when my fingers close around the thing of mace that I always carried in my pocket. I grab it and spray it in his eyes.

He gets off of me, a hand over his eyes as he yells in pain. I scoot far back away from him as I scream and yell my head off.

"Amber! Help! Help, sombody please please help!"

He runs out of the alley as I sit there trembling in fear still screaming.

Amber slams the side door open and runs over to me. "Dipper?" She catches a glance of the body by the dumpster and gasp in horror. "Oh god."

"Police.....w-we have to call the police...." I barely manage to mumble out, feeling tears going down my cheeks.

Say I do (Sequel to Unsuspecting Love)Where stories live. Discover now