Chapter 12

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(Dipper pov)

I try to peek through my fingers but he gently just swats me on the head. "Ow. Meanie." I complain hearing him chuckle lightly.

"I've told you no peeking. You only get to look once I'm done."

"You've been at it for 10 whole fucking minutes. Just let me look already you jerk."

"Not until I'm done. So no peeking for just a few more minutes."

I whine leaning back against the pillows. I feel Bill make sure my eyes are fully covered before I feel him writing on my cast again. He won't even let me see what the hell he's writing, says he wants it to be a surprise for me.

"And....done. You can look now."

Uncovering my eyes I see that he's written his whole name on my cast even with a big heart drawn under the cast. "Seriously? You didn't have to write it so big." I laugh slightly before he kisses my forehead.

"We both already know that you weren't going to ask anyone else to sign it either."

"Yeah yeah." I glance away going silent as I feel him sit next to me and run his hand through my hair.

"What's going on in that big brain of yours? Come on, after everything that happened you can't just close up and shut me out like this. Just tell me please what's going on."

"They killed the guy who did all those things....."

"Yeah, and he deserved it. Now he won't ever be able to hurt anyone else ever again. We can finally live our lives again without fear of him being able to hurt you or someone else instead."

"I know that he can't hurt anyone anymore, but what if some fucked up psycho thinks of him like a martyr? Or what if his spirit comes back to haunt me?"

"You've never believed in things like ghosts or zombies before. You know that those things are just pieces of fiction."

"I know, it's just....I felt safe knowing that in prison, you could become a better person. It's why I trusted you so easily once you got out. But that guy will never have the chance to change. He will never go through a trial for what he's done or have to live out his days behind bars because of all the miser that he's caused so many people."

"Instead he's dead and can't hurt anyone anymore."

"I don't really think that death is a good way to punish someone. If they're dead, it's like saying that they were right to do what they did and that they get to get away with it. Being dead isn't a good punishment for them. They should be punished by having to live with their horrible deeds, not just dying."

"......Dipper, what did he do to you?"

I just start shaking my head no frantically, my nails scratching at my skin again. "No no no no no!"

"Okay, calm down it's okay." He gently grabs my hands to make me stop scratching. "You don't have to tell me, but I need to know how he took you. I can't keep you safe if you don't tell me."

"I-I can't.....I want to but the words won't come out...."

"What was that thing that the FBI did to you in order to help you remember the things I did correctly?"

"Um, I think they called it a cognitive interview."

"Then let's do that. Just close your eyes and put yourself back to before he took you."


"It's okay, I will be here for you the entire time I promise."

Taking a slow deep breathe in and out I close my eyes putting myself back into the memory.

Opening them I see myself back in the house, the car pulling out of the driveway . Chester lays on the ground chewing on one of my shoes.

"You had just left the driveway. It was just me and Chester. It was only a few minutes later that I heard glass breaking in the kitchen." Right on cue I hear the sound of broken glass in the kitchen.

"He was probably just waiting for me to leave, waiting for a moment when you would be alone so it would be easiest to take you. He didn't count on Chester being there to protect you."

I feel myself go to the kitchen and freeze in fear seeing him crawling in through the small kitchen window, the mask on his face and hood pulled over his head. I can't move even though I know I need to run and I feel a wetness trickling down my pants. I don't need to look down to know why as it puddles onto the floor getting my barefeet wet as well.

"He's here....he came in through the kitchen window.....I can't move....."

I feel Bill's gentle touch on my shoulder. "It's okay, I'm right here. You're okay."

I watch as Chester barks at the man and bites at his leg before I feel myself finally moving, instead of running out the front door like I know I should, I run up the stairs into our room shutting the door locking it before I hide under the bed.

"Where are you know, Dipper?" I feel Bill run his hand through my hair.

"Our bedroom. I don't know why I came up here instead of going out the front door. But I take out my phone and call you, hoping and praying that you make it home in time to save me."

"You don't pray. You don't even believe in anything religious. It's one of the many reasons why we didn't even try to get married in a church."

"I know I'm not. But I was scared and desperate, was hoping for anything to save me."

I scream as I feel him pull my out from under the bed and my screams only get louder as the taser makes contact with my skin.

"Dipper, it's okay, open your eyes it's okay."

I open my eyes as Bill holds me close to his chest, gently shushing away my whimpers and wiping away the tears that I didn't even realize had sprung from my eyes.

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