Chapter 9

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(Dipper pov)

I groan slightly, feeling blood running down my arms. I had struggled so much against these stupid zipties and chains that blisters formed and popped open. I can't even feel my hands anymore and the only part of my arms that I can feel are the parts that have blood running down them. He left so long ago that I don't even know how long for sure. The sunlight in the room has gotten dimmer so I can only assume that it's been quite a few hourse. I don't know how much longer I can last like this. It just hurts so fucking bad, I want it to stop no matter what it takes.

Hearing the barn door open I glance up seeing the black masked man again. He walks over to me, grabbing my hair making me look up at him. "Look at what the fuck you did. You got yourself even more hurt for no fucking reason. Pathetic." He walks around me till he's behind me, his fingers trailing my waist. "I have been thinking for hours what I could do to you. What I could do that would set me apart from that whore husband of yours. I could of course keep electrocuting you and torturing you like I'm doing, but if I don't pace it out properly then you can die too early. And I want to take all of my time with you. So then I thought of something else. Something that I know he would never do, because he had boundries." My eyes widen in horror as he pulls my jeans right off of me leaving me hanging there in my boxers and t-shirt. "But, I don't have morals or fucking boundries."

I struggle more, trying to scream but it mixes with a whimper as he reaches around grabbing at my crotch. "Shh, now now calm down or I will make this whole thing just last so much fucking longer."

Simon next to me grunts as he manages to kick the man away from me. The man gets up again back handing him hard across the face before going over to a lever lever pulling it and Simon crashes to the floor with a painful thud. The man picks up the metal pipe and walks over to Simon.

I scream desparately trying to make him stop but it does nothing as brings the pipe up and slams it into Simon's skull. He keeps doing this, not stopping until his entire head is nothing but mush. I helplessly cry as he drags the pipe back over to me, grabbing my jaw making me look at him as the tears go down my face.

"Don't think that I'm done with you quite yet. Now, I may not be able to have my fun with you like I planned now that I have to take care of that asshole's body. But this will teach you to resist me again." Without warning he swings the pipe into my right ankle and I scream in pain feeling it shatter.

He frees my hands from the chains letting me drop painfully to the floor. He grabs my ziptied hands dragging me back over to the support beam shackling my left ankle to it before he grabs Simon's ankles pulling him out of the room. I hear the car trunk slam shut and hear the car drive away.

I curl up on the ground sobbing in fear and despair. I can't do this I just fucking can't. He is never going to let me go. He is willing to do anything to destroy me. But why? What did I ever do to this man for him to hold so much anger towards me.

Hearing the barn door open for a terrifying moment I fear that he's already back but instead I see a 16 year old boy, straight brown hair that's a tad bit shorter then mine. He looks over his shoulder before rushing over to me taking the gag out of my mouth.

"P-Please help me...please...I just want to go home...."

"Okay just hold on." He gets up going over to the table finding a pair of scissors. He comes back cutting the zipties off my wrists. I sit up rubbing my wrists before pulling on the chain.

"D-Did you see any keys or anything over there?"

"No, I'm sorry but I didn't see anything like that."

"Well look again! Please! I can't die in this fucking barn so just look again!" He gets up rushing to the table as I take the gag off me fully and toss it away from me.

"I-I'm sorry but I don't see anything key like."

"Keep looking there has to be something......kid, what's your name."

"Tyler. You're Dipper, right? You have been on the news everywhere."

"The man who was in here, do you know who he is? What he wants with me?"

"You mean Sammy? He's my big brother. Has taken care of me my whole life. Even let me move in with him after he got married to his wife Helen. But I have no idea what he would want with you. Fuck, I can't believe that he had you locked up in here at all. This whole think is just so fucking crazy. How long has he had you in here?"

"That doesn't matter. Did you find those keys yet?"

"I'm sorry but there aren't any keys here."

"What about bolt cutters? Any of those?"

"I think so. Just give me a minute."

I stop pulling at the chain as something clicks in my head. The victims hair was always dyed brown and cut short, so I just assumed it was like what Bill did to me. But the hair is too short. And it isn't curled like mine is, it's just straight. It doesn't look like my hair at all but it does look like Tyler's hair. So all the rage and things he's done to me aren't about me, he wants to do them to Tyler but chose me instead. Why?

He comes back with the bolt cutters and is just about to cut the chains when a shovel hits him from behind knocking him out. I scream in terror, scooting back as far as the chain will allow me to as I look up, it being the man but without the mask. I only scream more as he tilts his head giving me a wicked evil grin.

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