Chapter 3

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(Dipper pov)

"I told you already. I don't know who did it."

"You just so happened to find the body and didn't even get a good look of who attacked you." He doesn't even hide the skepticism in his voice.

"Look, I know how this sounds but I don't have to fucking take this. Instead of haressing me like I did anything wrong you should just be doing your damn job and finding the man who did this!"

"That's what we are here to find out." I look over seeing two woman, one with blonde hair and another with brown hair. It takes me a minute to recognize one of them.


"It is good to see you again, Dipper." They show their FBI badges and the officer walks off. "This is my friend Emily Prentiss."

"It's very nice to meet you." She holds her hand out for a handshake. I just nervously fiddle with my wedding ring.

"I'm sorry.....I don't really do handshaking anymore...." She silently pulls her hand back putting both hands in her pockets. "I'm guessing you aren't here just to see how I'm doing after 6 years."

"I'm afraid not. You know the deceased victim?"

"I don't know. I had only found the body when I got attacked so I didn't get a good look at it. Amber had me wait inside while we waited for the police."

"Did anything stand out about your attacker? Anything at all?"

"No. He was wearing all black. Black hoodie, black gloves, a weird black mask."

"Weird how?" Emily ask.

"It was like those white plastic masks you can buy at the store and decorate them however you want, except this one was all black. It covered all of his face and the eyeholes were really big."

"So you came out here to take out the trash. Isn't that usually done at the end of the day?"

"Yes but the guy on last night's shift, Pete, didn't do it. So Amber had me do it and after putting the garbage in the dumpster I tripped on something. I saw it was a pair of legs and at first I just thought it was a homeless guy passed out. I was willing to drive him to a nearby homeless shelter but when I took the tarp off of him I saw....I saw that he was dead and that's when I got tackled to the ground."

"Did you scream for your friend."

"I tried. But he covered my mouth and I saw he had a knife. He was ready to kill me. I was feeling for anything around me to use as a weapon and my hand closed around the bottle of mace that I hadn't even noticed fell out of my pocket."

"You were scared enough to carry mace."

"Um.....a-after the incident 6 years ago I started being scared of leaving my house just in case some other psycho could be out there. So I started carrying mace just for protection. This was the first time I ever actually used it."

"So you sprayed him. Then what happened?"

"He yelled clutching his eyes then ran off. I screamed and Amber came running out. She helped me inside and we called the police."

"What kind of gloves was he wearing?"

"They were cloth, like thin winter gloves."

"Is there any chance Bill attacked you."

I internally groan before answering. "No."

"You sound sure."

"I am. He isn't like that anymore. It was 6 years ago. And it takes me close to an hour to get here by car. We only have one working car and I had to take that trash out minutes after I got here. It would have taken him hours to get here on foot. There isn't any way he could have been here before me." I look over seeing Bill, him standing on the other side of the police tape since the officers won't let him in the crime scene. "Can I go home now?"

"Yes. Call us if you need anything." She holds out a card but I don't take it.

"Trust me I won't."

I walk away from them going under the police tape over to Bill. He instantly hugs me tightly before worrying about my hands. "A-Are you okay? Did he hurt you? What the fuck happened?"

"Bill. I'm okay. I...I just want to go home."

"Okay. Your friend Amber already gave me your jacket and satchel. They're in the car." He puts his arm around my shoulders leading me to the car. I get in the passenger seat as he gets in the driver's seat and we drive out of there.

" you want to talk about it at all?"

"No. Not here."

"At home maybe?"

"I guess."

I watch buildings pass by outside my window as he finally pulls into the driveway. He gets out opening my door helping me out of the car and even grabbing my stuff out of the car. He leads me into the house and sits me on the couch putting my stuff on the nearby armchair.

"I will be right back." He leaves and a few minutes later comes back with a first aid kit. He kneels in front of me gently cleaning my hands. "So....."

".....the guy came out of nowhere.....I thought I was going to die....."

"But you survived. Because you're strong."

"No I'm not. I only survived because of luck."

"I can tell something else is bothering you. So what is it?" He ask as he gently wraps gauze around my hands.

"The FBI doesn't just come by to check on people 6 years after the incident. They wouldn't have talked to me today if it wasn't related to some kind of serial crime."

"You think there's another serial killer? The odds of that are very rare."

"I know. But they wouldn't be here to talk to me if it wasn't. I'm scared Bill."

He softly kisses the back of my hands. "I know you're scared. But I won't let anyone hurt you. You know this."

"I know that we are only making money from my income alone, b-but I want to stay home. At least until the killings stop. You know that this wasn't the first body to be found. I just won't feel safe until they catch whoever the hell is killing people."

He gets up and sits next to me as he gently holds both of my hands. "Okay. We will figure things out. But if you would rather stay in here until the killings stop then I won't force you to go to work. I support you no matter what."

I lean my head on his shoulder as we fall into a comfortable silence.

Say I do (Sequel to Unsuspecting Love)Where stories live. Discover now