Chapter 11

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(Dipper pov)

I pull at the chain around my ankle as he ties Tyler's hands behind his back before coming back over to me as I scoot as far back as the chain will allow me. "Get away get away from me!"

"Just shut the fuck up already. It is fucking exhausting listening to your pathetic screams over and over again. It is like listening to a broken record so for the love of anything just shut the hell up."

"Why are you doing this to me? Just who the hell are you?"

"This isn't just about you, you self centered fuck. You really think that I killed 11 people because of you? You think that you're really that important in the world?" He throws his head back as he laughs, it sending chills down my spine. "None of this was ever fucking about you."

"Then why are you doing all of this to me!"

"Simple. I thought it would be fun to add your name to my body count is all."

He unchains my ankle and grabs it dragging me on the ground as I claw at the ground trying to get away from him.

"No no! Stop! Someone please help me!"

He lets go of my ankle and rolls me on my back getting on top of me pinning both my hands above my head with one hand. I struggle more as he raises a knife above his head and brings it down towards me.

I scream as a gunshot goes off and something warm and wet splatters all over me, and he falls on top of me. I just scream more tears spilling from my eyes as I try weakly to push him off of me, it slowly dawning on me the wetness is his blood all over me.

His body gets pulled off of me and I fell someone grab me as I just keep screaming trying to push them away. "Get away! Let me go!"

"Dipper, calm down it's okay. It's just me it's okay." I realize that it's just Dr. Reid as I stop screaming and struggling, tears slowly trailing down my cheeks and my whole body trembling.

"....I....I-I w-want to go h-home...."

"You need to get treated at the hospital and then you can go home. It's going to be okay."

Two paramedics come into the barn and put me on the stretcher before putting me in the ambulance. I feel the ambulance driving and I hear the siren as I look down at my hands coated in blood that I could feel starting to dry and become crusty and stuck to my skin.

I frantically try to wipe it off, feeling my nails scratching my skin as I try to peel the crusty flakes off but I don't care I just need it off, ignoring the pain from my fingers clawing at my hands.

"Get it off get it off get it off of me! They're everywhere! Get them off of me! They are everywhere!"

The paramedics hold me down and inject something into my arm. My body feels heavy and weaker as darkness overtakes everything.


My eyes slowly peel open as I slowly take in my new surroundings, the rough itchy sheets of the bed and the thin hospital gown. I always hated hospitals, everything in them is so blinding white. I can make out my right foot is in a dark blue cast at least and it slightly propped up on a pillow and I feel a bandage wrapped around my neck. It's slightly itchy too. Why is everything in hospitals so itchy?

I look at my hand and tears spring to my eyes as I see Bill sitting in a chair pulled up next to the bed, his hand in mine and his head asleep on the bed. His eyes have dark bags under them like this is the first time he's gotten any sleep since our fight. It feels so stupid and pathetic now. How could I have accused him of murder like that? He has done so much to show me that he's a changed man and yet the minute I get scared I accused him of something so horrible.

He slowly wakes up and the minute that his eyes meet mine they light up, a smile on his lips as he softly kisses my knuckles. "Hey."

"Hey." I manage a small smile as I feel tears going down my cheeks. He gently wipes away my tears before he kisses my cheek. "How long have I been here?"

"Two days. They had to keep you heavily sedated. Everytime they tried waking you up you would start screaming and scratching again. You only freaked out more when they tried to put restraints on you."

"Have you been here the entire time?"

"Of course I have. I wasn't just going to leave you here all alone while I slept at home."

"Bill, I am so so sorry."

"What on earth are you sorry about?"

"I accused you of being a murderer again. I was so horrible to you. Before you left I didn't even tell you how much I love you like I should have."


"No please. I thought....I thought that I was going to die and that our last conversations would be that stupid argument and me calling you for help. That you wouldn't even know how much I love you before I die."

"Dipper." He wipes away more tears from my face that I hadn't even realized were there. "It's okay. I know that no matter how bad things get with us or the world around us, that you will always love me and I will always love you. It will always be us no matter what the rest of the world thinks. Our love is all that we will ever need."

"I love you so so much, Bill, more then you or anyone else in the world will ever know. Never forget that."

He smiles as he gets up and sits on the edge of the bed. "Then you, Dipper Pines-Cipher, will just have to remember that no matter what you manage to say or do that I will always love you so so much more and there is nothing that you're smartass brain can do about it."

I smile as our lips softly reconnect, it feeling like perfect bliss.

Say I do (Sequel to Unsuspecting Love)Where stories live. Discover now