Sesshomaru Fanfiction

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Disclaimer: Gosh I hate these soooo much..... Okay so I do not own Inuyasha, if I did this wouldn't be a FANFICTION. I only own my character Tenshi.....and I love her so much, you will too in a minute. Anyway just to make this really clear I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA

(time in feudal era)

Kagome already came back after finishing college and she has a child with Inyasha.

Miroku and Sango have three kids.

Rin stays in the village with Inuyasha and Kagome. She baby sits her 'neice' when Inuyasha and Kagome have a new job to do in another town, so basically all the time.

Naraku is dead along with all his reincarnations.

Koga married Ayame and now is the chief of all the packs.

Shippo is in training to become a very powerful fox daemon.

Sesshomaru still wanders his lands, (the western land) and defeats other daemons who challenge him; Jaken travels with him as well as Ah-un.

(Tenshi's Side)

Hi, I was born march 22, 1987. I have raven hair with bright green eyes. I work as a hit man because of my incredible speed and strength. It all comes to me naturally though, especially the killing. It was like I was born for it. My 'parents' are Josh Turner and Carrie Turner. They are the best parents you could ask for they are very nice and inviting. I don't have any friends and I like it that way. They could get hurt, because of my work so I distance myself. I always wear a hat because everyone laughs at my hair because it sticks up weird in two places. I really don't care though.

My favorite color is silver. My favorite show is Inuyasha (even though I think Sesshomaru should get a bigger part.) My hates are Naraku, weak people, and the fact the show is over with. My likes are....I don't really know. Anyway that's my general info, Bye people!

The truth:Tenshi was born in the feudal era. She was born into a long lost Dog Daemon clan called the Isacs. Everyone thinks she died with the rest of her clan as an infant. In reality her mother carried her into the future through the bone eaters well into the year of 1987. She left her on the door step of the nearest house and went back. Her mother sacrificed herself for her child.

Her new parents found her the next morning and took her in. They act nice and inviting but in truth are scared stiff of her like everyone else. She gives off a daemonic vibe that everyone stays away from. No one goes near her because they are scared of her, they make fun of her for her Ears. She covers them with her hair to hide them. She wears a hat too just in case.

Tenshi works as a hit man because she loves killing the weak people, that challenge the order. Everything does come naturally to her, the speed the strength, but most of all the blood lust. She only kills when necessary but kind of enjoys it. In truth she was born for it.

Her personality is fun and loving but no one gets to see it. She tries to detach herself and she does a very good job. She is actually very outspoken and very random, if she is alone. She is full of life and energy but because of everyone trying to drag her down, she is closed off from the world. She is now 26 and lives alone in her apartment. She does everything by herself and doesn't help anyone. She gets her jobs from an anonymous source and the money is wired to an account where she can pick it up.

Even through everything she is still nice if you can get close to her. Even though no one has ever gotten close to her before, she still has never given up hope that one day someone will....

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