Chapter One

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I really wont be writing this story in a specific POV. I will switch a lot between people. I really jump around a lot sometimes, one minute the character might be talking to you then another character, so just bare with me?

Italics means she is talking to us or thinking.


Tenshi's POV- Tenshi's pic is on the side

Right now I'm sitting on my apartment buildings roof, just watching the stars. My mind wondered to the show I was just watching; Inuyasha. Yeah, just so you know I'm totally obsessed with that show. Anyway I had just finished watching the very last episode and I was thinking how different things would have turned out if I was in the show. I fell asleep on the roof, but that's not unusual for me.

I woke up the next morning to the sun's warm rays on my face. Just the way I liked it. After laying there I got up and went in to my apartment. I retch the door just as the phone started ringing. I ran inside and picked it up.

"Hello?" - Tenshi

"Yes is this Tenshi Tengoku?" ( Also known as Angel or Angel's, Heaven.)

"No, but who is asking?" -Tenshi.

"No need to lie Tenshi. Besides I am a client, I need you to take out Jim Brandy. I'm sure you know him since he is so famous, so I wont brief you on his life. I need him taken out by this Friday, in 4 days. If you can manage, I will wire $200,000 into your separate account like last time. Do we have a deal?"-Creepy stalker dude

"Yes." I answered simply even though I was glad I had another job. The line disconnected and I went to researching. I found out every aspect of his life on the very first day. And I called him a stalker? Now I still had three days to plan out this kill. I already knew where it would happen. He was going to escort his Grandmother to a family reunion party on Thursday.

Okay, so here is the plan. I'm going in undercover as a cop. I'm going to draw Jim away, saying it's about his ex-wife. after I have him alone, I will kill him. A gun would be too loud, while a knife would be too slow. I could use multiple things but nothing seemed a better choice then my favorite. I would use my own hands this time. I haven't in a while and I can't wait to find out how this goes.

I went to the store to pick up the things I needed to make my disguise. After I paid for everything I went home to start on it. I made the costume quickly and enjoyed the last 2 days left.

(Day of the kill)

I'm now sitting in front of the party, in a stolen Corvette. I made my way to the door in my costume, I had to add my backpack though. My backpack had all my weapons, a few poisons, medical supplies, and the poison cures just in case. An elderly women answered the door and I said, "Sorry ma'am but I need to speak with Jim Brandy."

"What's this about?" She asked.

"His ex-wife." I lied calmly. Lying always came naturally so I was almost never caught.

"I knew she wouldn't leave him alone! Alright I'll go and get him." She closed the door in my face and I heard her foot steps before a sliding glass door was opened. She walked out...Then I can't hear until her and another person walks across the room towards the door. *Here goes everything*

The door swings open and I'm met with Jim Brandy. He walks right past me towards the garage, I follow him out of instinct. When he was in the garage I crept through the door, slowly entering the darkness that surrounded me. I was blinded by light and I lost my vision for a good minute.

When I could finally see, i realized, I was surrounded. I looked up to see Jim Brandy smirking at me before he said, "You will fetch a lot of money you know. $300,000 dead, or $500,000 alive. When my mother described you I instantly knew who you were, I mean who doesn't know the famous Tenshi Tengoku? I called my people who called people and now, here we are. I would like the $500,000 but if you fight us I guess $300,000 would do just fine."

Suddenly people jumped towards me, I dodged easy enough. This went on a while but apparently no one noticed I was actually working my way towards Jim. I didn't want to hurt anyone else but if they made me I wouldn't hesitate. I was only 10 foot away from him when I did a back flip landing right in front of him. I felt my claws extend and I swept them across his neck. I turned to face everyone else but I got shot in the leg.

I picked up my hat from where it had fallen and transported out of there. Don't ask how I teleport, I just do, I always have. I ended up in my apartments kitchen on one of the chairs. I looked at my leg for the first time It wasn't too bad, it just happened to hit just right to where anyone else might bleed out. For me though, it was a flesh wound. I changed into my normal clothes, white skinny jeans and a white off the shoulder sweater with a black tank underneath. I walked normally over to my bathroom and started to take care of my leg with the supplies from my backpack.

After digging out the bullet I wrapped it up tightly. I plopped down on my bed not even caring I was still full dressed, with my backpack on. I looked at where I was shot and there wasn't even a spot of blood on my white clothes. Before I went to sleep I thought, *I wish I lived in the feudal era with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, then I couldn't get shot. There wouldn't be any new age weapons and I wouldn't have to worry about being the weird one, always sticking out. I mean sure I could teleport and I had claws but look at Inuyasha. I would be considered normal. Wait, why am I so much like them?*


Hey wait do you guys think??? I think it was good, I likeded it. (Yeah I know that's not how you spell it, but that's how I say it soooo DEAL WIT IT!) YAY, FIRST CHAPTER IS COMPLETE!!!!! You know I would love feed back from you guys..... even if its just like a word or two. I really would like to know that someone is reading this.......

Tenshi- Yeah people you guys need to comment and now!!!! I WILL FIND YOU IF YOU DON'T!!!!

Me-TENSHI SHUT UP!!!!! Your scaring people.....

Tenshi-They need to be scared of me! Besides they need to comment, and if they don't....... I will come through their freaking computers, AND KILL THEM!!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!! WHAT NOW PEOPLE!!!!! ARE YOU SCARED YET, CAUSE I HAVEN'T EVEN PULLED OUT MY CLAWS YET?!?!?!? NOTICE I SAID YET!!!!!!!!!!

Me-Well she has a point.... It would be nice to know I'm not talking to myself at the end of the chapters....... BUT YOU DON'T GOTTA GO ALL EVIL DAEMON BITCH ON THEM TENSHI!!!!!!! Oh and just so you people know..........I wont stop her from coming through your computer so COMMENT, VOTE, FAN, DO SOMETHING TO SAVE YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!

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