Chapter Nine

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Tenshi's POV

"Her name is Tenshi Tengoku, she will be traveling with us." Sesshomaru said.

"But Lord Sesshomaru, why?" The little green, thing, asked.

Sesshomaru said nothing, he just kept walking. I said, "I'm here for Rin."

"You don't have to answer to him." Sesshomaru said.

"I know, it's common curtsey though." I told him shrugging.

"Oh, my name is Jaken." Jaken said.

"It's nice to meet you, but I would appreciate it if you didn't yell like that. My ears are extremely sensitive." I told him.

"Alright, I'm sorry." He said, finally talking normal.

"It's okay, you didn't know." I told him. I looked to the Horse/Dragon thing behind him. I asked, "Who's that?"

Rin said, "Oh that's Ah-un. He travels with us."

I nodded taking in the information. We started walking again and a few minutes later I asked, "Sesshomaru? Do we have a specific destination?"

"No." He said.

I heard Jaken and Rin whispering behind me, but ignored it. I asked, "May I ask what it is we're doing then?"

"Lower Demons like to challenge me and reek havoc on my lands. We are to stop this from happening." He said, still monotone. I nodded taking in the information. He, I think asked, "Is there a reason you wish to know?"

"I just like to know what to expect. I don't really care where we're going as long as there is purpose." I told him. "When I know what to expect it's easier to know how to protect Rin or if I need to."

"I will keep you informed." He said rather hastily, you know from the way he usually talks.

"Thank you." I told him, smiling slightly.

I heard Rin ask, "Tenshi? What was your job? You always stop short."

"Well, I, um, I just-" I stuttered along.

"Rin, if she doesn't want to tell you, you should not push." Sesshomaru said.

"Oh, I'm sorry Tenshi." She said, she looked up at me asking forgiveness.

I sighed and reached for her. She walked forward into my arms and I picked her up and said, "S'okay baby."

"Tenshi, there are four demons up ahead that I need to dispose of." He said.

"Alright. Rin stay close." I told her setting her back down.

We walked only about 5 minutes when we were attacked. Three huge demons walked out from the tree line. I asked, "Sesshomaru? I thought you said four?"

"I did, keep your eyes open." He said.

The daemons started roaring but soon Sesshomaru attacked. I watched as he seemed to dance around them cutting them down piece by piece. I kept Rin close to me, making sure she stayed behind me. I felt a presence behind me and whipped around. I said, "Jaken, watch Rin. If you need me yell, I'll be here."

I walked towards the presence and was half-surprised when the other huge daemon stepped out from the trees. This one was quicker than the others. He flashed a hand out and tried to grab Rin and Jaken behind me. Without thinking I used my whip and wrapped it around his hand. I pulled and cut his hand off. I flashed in front of Rin and looked back to find Sesshomaru still fighting one of the Daemons.

I pulled out my fan and got ready for him. I had unlocked quite a few moves with my fan. I could send out a wave of any element. I could target one person and make a small wave of all four elements. I also sharpened each ridge and found that I could almost use it as a kind of throwing star, it returned to me at will. Also the dagger that tucks into the side will grow to a full sized sword if I wanted it to, but it will only work for me.

He went for Rin, Jaken and I again, but I met him halfway there. I slashed my claws at his throat and gashed him, but that didn't slow him down. He attacked again and I swung my fan, sending a blade of wind at his throat. I hugged Rin to my back and made sure she didn't see as the Daemon was decapitated.

I almost fell when his body hit the ground, making it tremble. I turned around and asked, "Baby are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She said.

"Jaken?" I asked.

"Yes Milady?" He asked respectfully.

"I was asking if you were okay." I told him.

He teared up and asked, "Y-you care about me?"

"Are you okay or not?" I asked irritated, and slightly embarrassed.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking Milady." He said.

I looked towards Sesshomaru and found him walking back towards us. I asked, "I'm assuming the daemons were no trouble?"

"None. Let's go." He said. He looked up and asked, "Where did he come from?"

"Trees, I took care of him quick enough." I told him. We all started walking.

He asked, completely monotone, "Are you alright?"

I couldn't help but smile when I said, "I'm fine."

We started walking again, but I couldn't help but think back to my earlier questions about him. Rin wasn't that far off.... I mean Inuyasha must have exaggerated. He obviously cares. Inuyasha said he was just a 'self centered jerk'. He must have been wrong, I mean he just asked if I was okay. Well, granted he didn't ask anyone else...... I wonder why that is.......

We traveled the rest of the day, not stopping. We covered a lot of ground and either Ah-un or I carried Rin most of the way. Right now we had just finished setting up camp except the fire. Jaken and Rin were trying to get a small fire going, while Ah-un was laying beside the trees. I walked over there and said, "Here, back up a little."

They backed up a little ways and I flicked my wrist and pointed towards the wood, making a small amount of fire. It caught quickly and they took care of it. I heard, right behind me, "Tenshi, I would like to speak with you."

I took a, surprisingly shaky, breath before smiling and saying, "Lead the way."

He lead me into the forest a little ways away from the camp and turned to face me. He asked, "You said you would tell me later, I believe it is later."

"My job was a sort of Hit man. I killed people for money. I got a call and was given a name. I was required to learn about them so I could deceive them into getting alone with me or coming with me. After I had the target alone I was to kill them by any means necessary." I told him, playing with my dog tag.

"Why do you wish not to tell Rin?" He asked.

"I don't want her to know that the person that takes care of her everyday and that she loves and trusts, is really a cold blooded murderer." I told him, starting to cry. "I'm not proud of my past. I did horrible things, to people that I know may or may not deserved it. The worst part was I enjoyed it. When I knew they deserved it, I made it long and painful. I loved to hear them begging for their lives. I don't want Rin to know anything of my job." My voice broke in multiple places.

"Then I will not tell her." He told me. He walked forward towards me and I looked up at him. He reached a hand up and gently wiped away my tears before walking past me quickly.

What the Hell was that......?

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