Chapter Ten

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Tenshi's POV

We've been traveling for a while now, taking care of the daemons we come across. I've told countless stories to pass the time, some real and some not. Mostly though we just walked in silence until Rin would say something and start a conversation.

Rin said, "Tenshi? Do you miss home?"

"Rin, I've told you before, I have no home to miss. My parents kicked me out and I lived alone. Getting sent here was like a second chance. Plus, how could I miss anything when you're always with me?" I asked.

"Hey, do you remember when we were by the lake and you told me there was this game you played back then? Wasn't it called hopscotch?" She asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked.

"Could you teach me how to play next time we rest?" She asked.

"I'll teach you when we make camp, you need your rest." I told her.

"Milady? Lord Sesshomaru said there is a powerful daemon approaching. He wants you both to catch up with him." Jaken told me.

"Alright, how far?" I asked.

"Not very, Milady." He told me.

"Rin you wanna ride? I'll just teleport there." I asked. She nodded and took my hand in hers. I focused on Sesshomaru and the space next to him. I saw them both flash in my mind before I felt us moving quickly. I opened my eyes to find us next to Sesshomaru. I asked, "How long?"

"Maybe a few minutes." He told me, already used to me popping up next to him. "Both of you stay close."

I held on to Rin's hand as we walked, following Sesshomaru closely. I saw a beautiful woman walk out of the forest. She smiled at us and said, "Hello, my name is Midori. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Sesshomaru."

"Why are you in my lands?" He asked stiffly.

"I was looking for you. Well, really I was looking for the human girl you travel with. Mai thinks she would be great incentive for you to come visit her." She said calmly.

I pulled Rin farther behind me, so she could barely be seen. Jaken stood on the other side of her, staff raised protectively. Sesshomaru said calmly, "It would be best if you left."

"You see, that's not possible." She said, replacing her friendly smile with a dead serious expression. She dashed forward, faster than I thought possible, and started fighting Sesshomaru. I felt a presence behind me and whipped around. I found another woman. She said, "Just give us the girl, it'll be easier that way."

"I'll never give her to you." I told her.

"It's unfortunate to have to kill someone as pretty as you." She told me, before flashing forward and punching me. I flew a ways away, before racing back and getting in between her and Rin again. I took out my fan and she laughed, "That's all you got?" She pulled a sword from her side and I took out the dagger, making it grow to a full sized sword.

She ran forward and we battled fiercely. Soon she threw me back and charged towards Rin. I yelled, "RIN!!"

I don't know what happened but I was suddenly in front of Rin holding the woman by her throat, I felt power radiating from me. I looked at her coldly, while she looked at me in slight fear. I threw her away from me and ran after her. We fought again, but this time I had the upper hand. I threw my fan at her and missed purposely. She charged again and cut my arm deeply. I pushed her away, slashing at her stomach in the process, and said, "You really shouldn't have done that."

I charged forward, moving so fast the trees blurred around me. In one quick move I had her flying back towards my fan. I called to my fan, making it race towards me, but the woman was in between us. It stuck deep into her back, stopping slightly. I called to it again, ordering it this time, making it rip through her chest before returning to my outstretched hand. She fell to the ground, dead.

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