Chapter Seven

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Angel's POV

It's been a day or so since we left Totosai's...I guess cave. I've been showing Inuyasha a little bit of what I learned as we go to kind of pass the time. He seems to always want to talk and it would be fine with me.....if it wasn't about Rin. He's been talking about how sad she was and how she cried her eyes out and how she wouldn't let Sesshomaru come near her for a while. I just feel so horrible, I can't help but feel like it's my fault because it is. It's my fault she did all those things and it's my fault she feels bad. I hate myself for it, and I don't know if she can ever forgive me for it...

And there's the Village. Crap, we're already here. I don't know what to do..... Yukihyou? What do I do? Go to Rin and apologize...that's all you can do. But what if she hates me know? She doesn't, she just misses you and wants you back. Alright, I'll go.

"Inuyasha? Where's Rin?" I ask. He smiles at me and says, "Last I saw her she was at Songo's place."

Without another thought I flew there as fast as I could. I landed in front of Sango's house and I hesitated. I stood there for a second before walking forward. Before I could get there though, the front door flew open and Rin ran out towards me. She cried, "TENSHI!!!" She launched herself into my arms and I fell back on my butt and hugged her to me. I said, "Rin, I'm so sorry! I just thought, and then I, but then.....I'm so sorry, I broke my promise and I don't know if you can ever forgive me for that." I trailed off starting to cry.

"Tenshi you are already forgiven. I'm sorry about how I acted. You are my best friend, always remember that." She said crying into my shoulder. I hugged her and said, "You have nothing to apologize for. Baby I missed you so much!"

We stayed like that for a while just sitting there, even after we stopped crying. I could see Sesshomaru watching from the sidelines but I really didn't care. I had my Rin back.....I had my little sister back and I wasn't ever leaving her again.

Finally after sitting in silence for what seemed like forever Rin asked, "Tenshi? If I left the village would you come with me?"

I smiled and said, "Sure baby, where are we going?"

"Well I kind of set it up so you could come with me. We are actually going to leave the village with Lord Sesshomaru like I've always wanted, but if you don't want to go I can stay here with you?" Rin said.

I don't want to travel with him but I can't make Rin stay. She's always wanted this and now that the chance has finally come, she's willing to stay back with me if that's what I want. I can't do that to her......

I said, "I'll come with you guys, sure." I watched as her face lit up like a kids on Christmas. Then again, I probably just gave her the greatest gift she could have asked for : The two people she loves most, traveling around the lands with her. I guess I would be happy too, but I'm not too happy about traveling with Sesshomaru. He doesn't seem like a very nice man. My first impression was that Inuyasha was right, not Rin. Still though there is something about him.... I can't put my finger on it now, but I WILL figure it out. That I promise myself.


Hey everyone! Sorry I took so long with an Update and sorry it's so short. I just kind of have writers block and I don't really know where to go from here. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them.

SKIT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Kakashi and I are hanging out at my place just laying together talking*

Me: You know she's going to find out sometime.

Kakashi: Yeah, but we should just rest now because if we don't we'd never get away in time.

Me: Yeah, your right. I just have this feeling-

Tenshi *from her house next to mine* : ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!! KAKASHI!!!!!!!! YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!!!!!!!!

Me: Aw Dammit! RUN!!!

*Tenshi chases Kakashi and I for hours. I finally stop having had enough of this shit.)

Me: Tenshi, that was pay back for my room in Bleach. You know you deserved it so don't be a bitch about it!!!!

Tenshi: I WILL KILL YOU BOTH!!!!!!!

Kakashi: Angel let's GO!! *Kakashi grabs my hand and does the teleportation jutsu and we end up in his room in Kohana*

I flop down on the bed and sigh: Thank Kami we got out of there!

Kakashi lays down beside me and says: Yeah really.

*We get to talking and we end up being a little busy for the next few hours. After, we go to my place. I unlock the door and we step inside not turning on the lights.*

I flip on the light switch and look around. My tv was smashed, my couch ripped to pieces, spray paint on my walls, holes in my walls, I could see counter tops laying in the kitchen doorway, debris were falling down the stairs, toliet papar was all over the room, and on the wall it said, "Yeah carma really is a bitch, huh?"

Me and Kakashi: TENSHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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