Chapter Eight

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Tenshi's POV

"Baby? Ready to go?" I asked. I had on my mini backpack that carried all of my essentials. Weapons, healing stuff from Kaede, bandages, and one extra set of clothes for Rin and I. I just finished packing the bag and turned it around to admire it.I had made it especially for the trip, I set to working on it right after I told Rin I would go with them four days ago. The mini backpack was all black except for, in the front I had sewn 'Tenshi' and then 'Isacs' underneath that in red.

Rin came running out of our room with my old backpack in her arms. I gasped, "Holy crap! I forgot all about that thing!"

"I figured you did that's why I got it for you." Rin said, smiling at me.

"Hold on, I'll go change into these clothes really quick." I said, running back into the bedroom. I pulled out the drawstring back, that had two change of clothes in it. I pulled out both sets and laid them out. One was White Skinny jeans, a white shirt and a black leather jacket, black and white knee high converse, and a pair of white shudder shades. The other was a red and black striped short tube top, black skinny jeans, a red jacket, and black high tops. I looked at them both and chose the red and black outfit. I did my hair quickly, parting it to the side letting the right side fall into my face slightly. I knew it would be a pain in the ass to leave it like this cause it was almost down to my knees, but I couldn't help it. I loved my hair like this so it's staying this way. I did put a ponytail on my wrist just in case though....

I walked out of the room and found Rin waiting for me. "Thanks so much, it's nice to be in my own clothes again. We really should get going though. Sesshomaru isn't going to be happy if we're late." I told her. She ran out the door saying something about how she wasn't going to be late and make 'Lord' Sesshomaru mad. I laughed and followed her quickly. I caught up to her and picked her up, putting her on my shoulders, before taking off. I went to the edge of the village, where Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Kagome, Kit, and Lady Kaede were waiting.

I set Rin down quickly and flew over into Inuyasha's arms. I said, "I'm gonna miss you bro. More than I thought."

He whispered in my ear, so no one else knew, "You'll be fine. Sesshomaru may be cold hearted but he'll keep you and Rin safe. Just come back and visit soon, okay?"

I mumbled, "Of course I will." I let him go and turned to Kit. I sat down and let her get into my lap. I said, "Kit, you have to be good with your mom while I'm gone okay?"

"Why only Momma?" She asked confused.

"Cause someone has to keep your dad on his toes, now that I wont be around." I looked up finding Rin hugging Inuyasha. I sighed and said, "Bye Kit."

"Bye Tenshi." She said, getting off my lap quickly. I hugged Lady Kaede quickly, as well as Kagome. While Rin finished up her good bye's I walked over to Sesshomaru. I stood next to him as I watched Rin say goodbye to Kaede and Kagome. I snuck a glance over at him through my hair, making sure not to move my head. I saw him looking at me and could help but smirk. I watched his eyes roam me a little before I turned my head towards him and asked, "Like what you see?"

He turned his back to the rest of us and said, "Rin, Tenshi, lets go." He started walking into the forests and I followed, glancing back at Inuyasha only once. Rin caught up easily and asked me, "Tenshi? How did you do that?"

"Do what baby?" I asked her.

"Get him to call you by your first name. It took him days before he would call me Rin." She told me, still seeming confused.

"I didn't do anything, he did it by himself." I told her. I smirked and said, "Why don't you ask Sesshomaru? He would know better than me."

"Good idea!" She said. She walked forward slightly and asked, "Lord Sesshomaru? Why did you call Tenshi by her name right away, when it took you days to call me by mine?"

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