Chapter Sixteen

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Tenshi's POV

I went through my backpack one more time, making sure I had everything. Sesshomaru sighed behind me, "You've checked your backpack three times."

I sighed and closed my backpack up. "I know I just don't want to leave her here."

"I know, but it's safer this way. Besides, we'll come and see her as soon as we're done." He told me, setting his hands on my shoulders.

"Alight," I sighed, "Let's get going then. The sooner we leave the faster we get back."

He turned me towards him and asked, "Are you sure you want to come?"

"Yes I'm sure." I told him smiling at him, "I don't think I could not come."

"Why?" He asked, looking honestly curious.

"Because I just got you, there's no way in Hell I'd let you leave that easily." I told him, I shifted closer to him and realized that I had to look up.


"What?" I asked thinking I hadn't heard him right.

He smirked down at me slightly and said, "I wasn't going to let you stay anyway."

"Oh really?" I asked, "And just how were you going to do that?

He wrapped his arms around my waist while my hands rested on his tight biceps. "I'm not sure. Maybe tempt you, or try and trick you. If it came down to it though I would've carried you."

I looked into his eyes and a totally random question spilled from my mouth before I could stop it, "Why is your favorite color green?"

"Why is your favorite color gold?" He returned the question.

We both looked at each other in that way that said just tell me. We both said at the same time, "It's the color of your eyes."

I smiled at him and he chuckled slightly. With how close we were I could almost feel he vibrations running through him and it made every nerve in my body stand on end. He leaned down towards me and I honestly thought I was going to melt. His lips moved against mine softly. I couldn't help but move my hold to around his neck, practically locking my arms together. His arms tightened around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

I felt his tongue trace my bottom lip and I opened without hesitation. At first it was a battle for dominance, but he won easily enough. I pulled myself closer again, basically flush against him now. His arms tightened again and when I pulled away for air he lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist making sure the swords weren't in the way. He captured my lips again and his hands slid slowly up and down my back, applying light pressure that was driving me crazy. I could feel his heart beat though his shirt and mine. Mine was beating out of my chest and I'm sure he heard it. It seemed like I was aware of everything with Sesshomaru right now.

I could feel his heartbeat. I could hear his irregular breath when one of us pulled away for air. I could taste him. I could feel his well muscled stomach and chest pressed up against each of mine. I could feel his hands on my back. I unlocked my arms and ran them down and then up his arms, feeling the tight well defined muscle underneath. My hands went to his hair while his searches lower, now holding me by my butt. I could feel his silky locks of hair slip through my fingers. I could even feel the slight tremors that ran through him every now and then when I ran my hands over him.

Suddenly I was on my feet and stumbled back towards the raised ledge, just barely sitting on the edge so I wouldn't fall. Rin came bounding through the door and I finally understood, He felt her coming, but why didn't I? Well I was completely distracted and Sesshomaru has stronger senses anyway...

I tried to make my breathing seem like I didn't just run a freaking Marathon while Rin jumped into my lap. She asked, "Tenshi, why are you all packed up? Are we leaving again?"

I turned my head away from her, not being able to look at her. I told her, "Sesshomaru and I are leaving."

"Okay, I'll go get Ah-un and Jaken, we'll be ready in a few minutes." She told me jumping down.

I scooped her up before she could go anywhere. I told her, "Rin, you, Jaken and Ah-un aren't coming with us."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean Sesshomaru and I are leaving on our own. Having you three there would just put you in danger." I told her honestly.

"No, you just don't want to have to worry about a little kid like me! Ah-un and Jaken are probably going with you but you just d-don't want me to!" She yelled at me, pushing her way out of my arms.

"Rin, baby you know that's not true." I told her.

"Why else wouldn't you want me to go?" She asked starting to cry.

I looked at Sesshomaru and I realized, There's no way she's letting me leave unless.....Aw fuck.....

I took a deep breath and said, "Your a liability. I don't want to have to look after you all the time in the middle of a fight, the same goes for Jaken and Ah-un. Sure Jaken has the staff, but what good is that going to do? I'd like to be able to fight like I want to for once instead of worrying about someone snatching you up."

I saw the hurt cross her face and I almost cracked, but I made sure my expression didn't change. Suddenly she got this determined look in her eyes and said, "Fine. When you come back I'll be able to protect myself, maybe even protect you."

I scoffed, "Yeah, you do that."

She nodded and said, "Goodbye Tenshi."

"Bye b- Rin." I told her.

"Bye Lord Sesshomaru!" She called running out the door.

I stood still for a minute, not knowing what the hell to do. I mean ever since I've got here it's been all about protecting Rin, what now?

"Now you do whatever you want." Sesshomaru told me.

"I said that out loud?"


"Oh, well you want to get going?" I asked him, shouldering my backpack.

"I think we should."

I walked towards him and took his hand in mine. He started walking and I followed. We didn't pass anyone on our way out, we just walked into the forest and never looked back.


I know it's really short, don't worry though I'll post really soon :)

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