Chapter Two

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Tenshi's POV

I woke up with the sun's warm rays on my face. Wait didn't I go to bed last night?

I rolled over only to feel sun warmed grass beneath me. What the hell?

I fell back asleep soon anyway. I figure I can handle anything, right?


I finally opened my eyes to find I was in a hut thingy. I don't know what you call it but it seemed strangely familiar. There was a small fire in the pit that was in the center of the room. I was on a ledge wrapped in a blanket. There was also a curtain hanging in the doorway. I saw a bow and some arrows leaning next to the door way, along with my backpack, and I thought Weird?

A little girl came running through the door, she took a glance at me and ran back out. Was that Rin??? Soon she came back being followed by an old lady.Holy Shit! That's Lady Kaede! OK, OK, I gotta play this cool, keep it cool. Kaede said, "Child, how are ye?"

Shit what the hell do you say to her??? "Where am I?"

"Ye in my village, now state ye business demon." -Kaede

"Demon?!?!? What are you talking about???"

"Ye are a daemon, don't play dumb, ye have the markings of one."-Kaede

"What the hell are you talking about markings?!?!?" I'm kinda frantic now cause I have no idea what the Hell she is talking about.

"You really don't know do ye?" - Kaede

"No, I don't. Now can you show me what your talking about please?!?" I said throwing back the blankets.

"I guess, but if ye turn on us I will get Inuyasha and Kagome to take care of ye!"

As far as she knows I don't know them so what do I say? "Who are they?"

"Kagome is a powerful priestliest and Inuyasha defeats daemons. They are also married." Kaede says as she leads me towards a stream. Well now I know for a fact it's spring. She says, "Look in the stream ye will see what ye markings are."

I bend down to look in the stream. I am in shock! My markings are three red, I guess claw marks, going from the middle of my forehead over my left eye, they stop at where a normal person's ear would be. That and my ears were clearly visible. Before I even knew what I was doing I was crying. I folded my arms over my stomach and just cried. I guess Kaede noticed because she asked, "Why are ye crying?" She sounded honestly concerned.

"I don't know, this is not what I'm supposed to look like. At home I never had these markings. I always had the ears but I hid them because people made fun of me for them. I'm not supposed to be here! I should be at home right now making something to eat in my apartment in 2013! I should not be in the feudal era!!" I cried even harder after that.

Kaede looked panicked and she said, "Wait right here I'll go get Rin and Kagome."

So she left me sitting on the bank crying my eyes out.

Kaede's POV

I had left the demon by the stream a little while ago, I'm now looking for Rin and Kagome. I walked into my hut to find Rin making the demons bed I said, "Rin! Let us find Kagome and Fast!"

We found Kagome a few minutes later outside her's and Inuyasha's home. "Kagome! Come quick I need ye assistance!" Inuyasha came out of the house a few minutes later carrying their child in his arms. She was about 2 years old and had the characteristics of a half daemon. Her name is Kit.

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