Chapter Four

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Tenshi's POV

Over the next few weeks Rin and I have become inseparable. Outside or inside, we are always with each other. Even when she has her lessons with Kaede, you know learning about medical herbs and stuff, I sit with them and listened as well just to be with Rin. I really love Rin now, I don't think I could live with myself if something bad ever happens to her because I wasn't there to protect her. I think it's because she looks so much like my little sister used too, but it's not just that. I mean everything about her makes me want to protect her, her innocence, her fun personality, and also the way the world hasn't chewed her up and spit her out. I mean she was like this little baby that had no experience in the world even though she traveled all over for years, and even died twice. I don't really get it but one thing is for sure, I will always protect Rin. Don't get me wrong, now I love Kit to death but she has Inuyasha and Kagome for the rest of her life, who does Rin have? Exactly! She says she feels like she will always have 'Lord' Sesshomaru, but what she doesn't understand is that he left her here, in a human village, and only visits her maybe twice a year, if she's lucky!

Inuyasha has really been the best big bro I could have asked for this past week. He is really helping me get used to, the whole daemon thing, and living in the village. We've been training a lot this past week and he says that I have the same powers as him and his brother with a few of my own. I have the whip, blades of blood and now to mention the unbelievable strength, stamina, and balance, plus I can kinda fly! Without wings!! How awesome is that!?!? Oh and my 'Original Powers' (as Inuyasha calls them) are :

Telepathy; I can get in the opponents head and mess with them. Also I can see they're dark secrets or things they feel guilty about, I can then bring those things up to mess with them more. They lose they're concentration (sometimes) and are left as easy pickings.

Paralysis; (For weak daemons only) Once they look directly into my eyes the daemon becomes temporarily paralyzed. The paralysis lasts up to 5 minutes on low class daemons. Inuyasha's theory is once we practice it more, it will develop so I can also use it on daemons that are worthy opponents.

Wave of Flames; I now carry around a metal fan at all times, it can with stand any heat and will not melt. I use this fan to literally send a wave of flames towards someone. This attack somehow has a built in radar or something because if I say who I'm aiming it at, it will chase the person until it either hits them or is put out with water. The flame with not extinguish on its own.

The Fan is unique and only works for me. Totosai came by on my fourth day here and gave it to me. He had said "Something possessed me to make it. I used the finest materials I owned for it. Many different metals are woven into the fan and the very small, slim blade that slides into the pocket on the right side. Take good care of it, and it will take great care of you. If you ever need it fixed or reforged come and find me. There are many powers you could unlock with this weapon but it takes hard work and practice, be patient." Then he disappeared and left me with a whole lot a questions and basically no answers.

The one question that was really plaguing my mind was, What was Sesshomaru like? It's embarrassing to even think about but with everything that Rin and Inuyasha has told me, it makes me wonder. Was he really himself in front of her? Did she read too far into things sometimes? Why was he so emotionless all the time? Why would he restrain himself from killing in front of her as much as possible? Why did he save her? Why was he such a dick to Inuyasha? Why couldn't they get along? Why did he always want to fight Inuyasha? What is he really like??

Time is really flying by and very soon it'll be Rin's birthday, will he come? Will he keep his promise, to a human? Assuming he does come, what does he look like? What are his daemon marks? What does he wear? What does he act like? Does he seem to float like Rin says? Or is he an ass like Inuyasha says? Will he bring Jaken and Ah-un along? Do they listen to him, like Rin says? Do they bend to his every whim? Why do they travel with him?

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