Chapter Fifteen

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Tenshi's POV

I opened my eyes groggily, groaning slightly as I did so. I heard someone call out, "She's awake!"

I cringed at the loudness of the voice and snuggled closer to Sesshomaru, enjoying the warmth. I felt claws running through my hair and I smiled small, opening my eyes to see the side of Sesshomaru's neck. I said, "Ya know, I thought I'd be used to waking up like this by now but I'm still not."

"Good morning." He whispered, alerting me there were other people in the room.

I sighed and turned my head, finding Inuyasha, Kagome and Kaede in the room as well. I groaned turning my face back into his neck. "Nice to see you too." Inuyasha said rudely.

"I'm gonna ignore that cause I'd probably hurt myself worse than you right now." I told him.

"Yeah? Come and get me then." He said.

I stood and stepped away from Sesshomaru in an instant, ignoring the pain in my back. "What's your problem?"

"My problem? Nothing, what's yours?"

"What the Hell are you talking about?" I asked him, already tired of running in circles.

"Nothing." He said starting to walk out.

"You really just going to go sulk instead of at least telling me 'what I did'?" I asked him.

He didn't even pause in walking out. I sighed and sat down on the raised ledge. Kagome said, "Don't worry about him, he's just a little mad about getting kicked out yesterday."

"So now you're going to lie to me?" I asked her, not being rude somehow.

She sighed, "He can tell you when he wants to."

"Okay, just don't lie." I told her shrugging. I looked towards Kaede, "So now what?"

"Well, I'd recommend ye take at least another 2 days off." She told me.

I sighed, "Kaede, you know me."

A small smile tugged at her lips as she said, "At least try and make it to a day."

I nodded and looked back towards Sesshomaru, who I could feel hasn't taken his eyes off me yet. When I turned back around to asked a question Kaede and Kagome were gone. I stood and stretched my hands over me head, not really thinking. Suddenly I was pulled backwards, Sesshomaru had slid forward to the edge with his legs touching the ground and pulled me down on his leg.

"You shouldn't be straining yourself." He told me.

I sighed and leaned against him, "I don't want to go back to sleep, but what else is there to do?" I thought for few minutes before asking, "How about we play questions?"

"What is that?" He asked.

"I used to play it as a kid. What you do is ask a question, the other person answers honestly and then you have to give your honest answer as well." I paused, "For example what's your favorite color?"

He looked at me weirdly and then said, "Green."

"Mine's Gold." Well it used to be red before I saw your eyes..."So now you ask a question."

"What's you favorite weapon?" He asked, like the question itself was a question.

I nodded in approval, knowing that even that was probably a stretch for him. "My claws."

"Mine as well."

"Well duh, you have awesome poison claws." I told him laughing, I felt him chuckle as well.

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