Why Me?

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HI EVERYONEEEEE! Some of you may remember me from the Squid Game fanfic I wrote, but that one was rather sad, wasn't it??? This will be much better! :D


I don't want to go to school today. I just want to crawl into my bed, shut my eyes and sleep the rest of my life away. I can't show my face at school again after my humiliating loss to Tokoyami at the Sports Festival.

It's not like I'm the only one who lost.

Neither Uraraka Ochaco nor Todoroki Shoto won to Bakugo Katsuki. But at least they went out with a bang.

I went out there and lost in a matter of seconds.

I don't want to show my face in front of all my exceptional classmates who all did so much better than I did.

But Mom is not having it.

She makes me leave and the only thing I have to console me is the thought that maybe Aoyama Yuga did as poorly as I.

I clench my backpack and exit the car, waving goodbye to my chaffeur and walking into UA. I walk into UA with a pitiful look on my face. I keep my head down, hoping no one will say anything.

I walk into my classroom, hoping that no one will talk to me. But then the worst possible person to notice, notices.

 But then the worst possible person to notice, notices

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Todoroki Shoto.

The strongest, most exceptional, handsomest student in all of UA. Well in my opinion anyway. And no, it's not appealing to have him see me sulking like a kid not getting candy.

I try to appear perkier. I lift my head up and straighten my posture. To do so, I imagine my mother scolding me right in this very class room.

"Good morning, Yaoyorozu." He offers a slight bow. I look up to him with a smile. I hope it looks real.

"Good morning, Todoroki-san."

He sits in his seat on the left of me. Normally, I'm honored to be sitting next to such a capable student, but today, I wish to switch seats with Aoyama Yuga.

We're all getting our hero licenses and we got names as well; when class is over, I sit with my friends at our usual lunch table.

"I love your hero name, Yao-Momo!" Ashido perks up.

"Arigato, Ashido-chan." I smile. I can feel myself slightly cheering up. "Yours is great, too!" 

"Awww, thanks!"

"I love both Yaoyorozu's and Uraraka's. So cute," Hagakure Toru beams.

Uraraka, who picked the name "Uravity", blushes and touches her two index fingers together. "Arigato. My favorite is probably the name 'Froppy' ".

"Thank you, Uraraka-chan!" Asui Tsuyu, who everyone just calls Tsu, says.

"Froppy sounds like a mocha latté," Sero says as he walks by with his tray.

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