Dinner with the Todorokis

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(Not My Pic)

I currently have 222 comments on this story, but that'll change lol


"What the hell am I supposed to wear?!" 


I turn to see that Jiro's face has been replaced with a dress of mine.

"Sorry, Jiro-chan, I need to find something perfect!!!" I've completely ransacked my room, leaving clothes everywhere.

Mom will have my head, but that's okay, because this is really important.

Todoroki has invited me to dinner with his family! I'm so excited about it because I finally get to meet his brother.

And... maybe his father.

Part of me hopes his father doesn't show tonight, but another part of me does want to meet him, even with the terrible things Todoroki told me about him.

I am curious.

But I don't want anything to happen tonight that'll upset Shoto-- Todoroki, I mean. 

"I like this one, Yao-Momo," Jiro hands me a pink blouse and white jean skirt. I smile at her choice.

"Hmm, this skirt is a little short," I murmur skeptically. 

"He probably won't mind," Jiro elbows me playfully and smirks. Then we both burst out laughing, even though my face has gone red.

Just then, my ringtone, Kimi No Toriko starts playing and the caller ID Todoroki-kun 💖🔥❄️😏 flashes up onto my screen.

Jiro looks over, reads the caller ID and her mouth forms an "o" as I pick up the phone.

"Morning, Yao-Momo," I hear Todoroki say.

He's never called me Yao-Momo before, so I respond with "Good morning to you too, To-Shoto." I smile on instinct and see Jiro's eyes widen through my peripheral.

"How are you?"

"I'm excited about dinner tonight. How about you?"

"I'm wondering whether my father will decide to join or not. I hope he doesn't."

"Don't worry about him, hon. It'll be fine, whatever happens," I say to him.

I ignore Jiro's rolling eyes as Todoroki says, "Alright then. I'll see you at the grocery store today, Yao-Momo."

"Bye, bye, To-Shoto."

"Make sure you continue to call me that," he says, and I hear a bit of laughter in his sentence before he hangs up.

Jiro looks at me with a face that says What the motherf--king hell?!

"Hey, so what was that about? To-Shoto? And why were you grinning into the phone like that, a few more seconds and I'd bet all my money you'd start kissing the damn phone! Also, why does his caller ID have a smirk emoji in it? Have you guys been--"

"Jiro, shutup!" I scream. Then we both laugh.

"He calls me Yao-Momo, I call him To-Shoto. And his caller ID has a smirk in it just cause. We haven't been doing it, Jiro, honest! We just started dating, what do you take me for?"

"A lunatic," Jiro chuckles.

"You're just jealous when you don't have to be. Kaminari likes you," I point out.

"Whatever," she rolls her eyes.


More Than Anything - A Todomomo fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon