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"Mom, there are you."

"Don't cry."

"Don't cry, Mom."

Mom has sobbed for the better of a week. This is so much. She went from feeling guilty about neglecting me to her husband's murder.

I feel like I should be upset. I only cried once. After all, he was my father. Why do I not feel pain?

Because he never loved you.

Even when I was a little girl, Mom was always the one who parented me, Dad was just there and barely paid any attention to me except dressing me up so I could model stiff dresses for grade schoolers.

He never really much cared for for being in my life. And so now that he's dead...

There's barely a difference.

Shoto knocks on the door.

"Hey, Shoto."

"Hey. You wanna go somewhere or just hang out here?"

"I can't leave Mom right now. She still needs me. She barely eats or sleeps nowadays," I explain. "She's just in no state to be alone in the house right now."

"When's the funeral?"

"This weekend. They're playing it on the news. I don't even want to be there. Tanaka's going to be there."

Shoto's gaze hardens at the mention of him. "They're letting him out for that?"

"Makes no sense, does it? He's going to be guarded by police officers the whole time, but I still feel uncomfortable knowing he'll be there," I sigh.

"Well then... let me come with you," he suggests. "I'll come as your guest."

I think about it. That could work. And it's not like Shoto being there will make me want to go but it will make feel better.

"Sure, To-Shoto. You'd do that for me?"

"Of course." He holds my head behind my ear and kisses me slowly. Then I melt into his arms in a warm hug.

"I love you. I don't know where I'd be without you, Shoto."

We don't have much to talk about, since I think Shoto seems uncomfortable talking to me about everyday things considering what has happened, but he doesn't know that I could care less. I believe the true reason I cried was because of the shock.

-Flashback- (Spongebob Narrator Voice)

I watched as Dad walked up the porch after signing some papers somewhere all day. I glared at him as I watched him walk inside. 

But just before he touched the doorknob, a gunshot, my father fell sideways onto the ground.

"Genji!!!" My mother ran toward the door, but I grabbed her wrist.

"Mom! If you go out there, what if you get hit?"

She realized and told me to crouch low as she dialed 911. 

-End of Flashback- (Spongebob Narrator Voice)

It just... happened and I didn't know what to feel except shock. But I can't make myself care and I almost hate myself for it.


I'll never know what Momo is going through. When they called Mom crazy and had her sent to the hospital, she was still alive.

More Than Anything - A Todomomo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now