Together... For Now

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He walks inside, with Jiro and Ashido at his sides. My heart fills with joy at the sight of him. 

"You," Mom says, but it lacks the hatred that I remember. Now her voice just sounds like a question.

"Hello, Yaoyorozu-san."

Ashido tried to remain still, as to give off the implication that she's serious, but she breaks down and runs toward me, taking me in her arms, Jiro follows and the two of them are giving me a group hug suddenly.

I've missed my girlfriends so much and more tears roll down my cheeks.

And behind them, stands Shoto, even more muscular than he was all those months ago. He's still got the multicolored hair I loved, and the heterochromatic eyes. 

And he's still so damn hot.

I don't think humans should be allowed that level of attractiveness. 


Before I know it, I've run into his arms. He's gripping my shoulders and I'm pulling his hair so much I fear it may hurt him.

We don't let go. This is making up for months of lost time.

Mom says nothing. She just curiously onlooks. Dad, on the other hand, explodes in rage.

"EVERYTHING IS RUINED! DO YOU REALIZE THIS?!" He then takes his two hands ad pries Shoto and I apart. "KEEP AWAY FROM HER!"

Shoto barely hears me, He's too busy looking into my eyes.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too, To-Shoto".

Father pulls me aside and says "Get out of my house! What is with you kids and doing your best to destroy everything I am trying to create!"

"I feared Momo was in danger and I was correct," Shoto says, unfazed. "She's not safe in the same room as is this man, let alone married to him."

"The comapny--"

"Fuck... the... company," Mom speaks for the first time.

"That company is our life's work!"

"This!" Mom pulls me in to her bosom. "THIS IS MY LIFE'S WORK! SHE IS OUR LIFE'S WORK!"

And she looks into my eyes. "And I would sell a hundred companies for you, my love."

Tears run down her face as she hugs me.

Both Tanaka and Dad are visibly boiling with fury. "Enough of this!"

Tanaka reaches for me but police officers rush inside, looking for him.

"Tanaka Hideo, we are placing you under arrest until further notice of your hearing."

"What?! Do you know who I am?!!"

He is led away by officers and Dad storms off to his room, shutting the door with a slam.

And suddenly I'm back in Shoto's arms, hugging him tight, and my friends are circling us for a group hug.


Since Mrs. Yaoyorozu doesn't believe that Momo should be involved in straightening out Tanaka's hearing, a small number of us are meeting at my house to go to the park.

I'm not use to anticipating this many people in the house.

Only Momo is here now.

"I am so sorry for what happened, I should've done something sooner, but I needed evidence, I needed--"

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