Karaoke and Cocoa

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I could kiss Ashido right now for this dare.

I look at Kyoka, who is blushing like there's no tomorrow. She glares at Ashido so intensely that if looks could kill, police would be searching for the body right this second.

"Well, Emobuds?" 

"Mm-" She makes a short protest noise.

"A dare's a dare," Kaminari says. He gets up and walks over to Kyoka, takes her face into both his hands, and gently kisses her lips.

At this point both of them are blushing, but they don't let go of each other. Kaminari starts to kiss Kyoka more intensely, sliding his tongue into her mouth, making her gasp and push him away from her.

But I catch her smiling for a split second before she returns to a snarl.

"Damn, I said kiss her, not have a whole makeout session! Jeez," Ashido rolls her eyes.

"Couldn't help myself I guess," Kaminari smirks, causing Kyoka to blush even more furiously.

"Cringe, but manly," Kirishima says, putting his thumb up.

Everyone else just laughs and cheers like the stupid teenagers that we are (well, never mind cause Miss Joke is laughing and cheering too).

"Well, I'm retiring to bed now, kids. You guys do what you want, I'm gonna get some shut-eye," Miss Joke says, rubbing her eyes and disappearing into her room (shocked she didn't try to sneak into Aizawa's).

"Good, horror movie marathon," Bakugo smiles. 

"Not us," Kyoka says, "Kami, we need to talk." She grabs his arm and walks him to her room.

"Ooooh--" Ashido sounds drunk but I know she isn't. She's just insanely ridiculous.

"I wanna watch the movie, will you stay with me Shoto?" I ask.

"Sure," he nonchalantly responds.

Iida, Asui, Tokoyami, Midoriya and Hagakure go to bed as well.

Bakugo grabs a bowl of popcorn (which I frankly don't remember seeing anyone make) and turns on the TV.


"Child, come to your mother."

"You aren't my m-mother!"


Shoto cringes at the next jumpscare. I'm guessing he's never really watched a horror movie. I want to laugh at him but he looks really spooked, though only I could tell. To everyone else, he probably looks as deadpanned as usual, but he's gone stiff and I can feel goosebumps on his arms.

He wraps one arm around my waist and pulls me to him. I can feel him shaking.

"Why are we watching this?" He whispers.

"It's not that bad, Shoto just look."

And of course, as soon as he looks the main character gets her head bitten off.

"Bathroom," Shoto says. He gets up and walks off. I can't help but snicker.

After the movie is over, my remaining friends start another movie and I decide to go to my and Shoto's room.

I walk in on Shoto reading a book. When he looks up at me, he makes this adorable angry face. "That movie was awful."

"Awww, please don't be mad. I didn't know you were gonna hate it that much," I laugh.

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