So Help You God

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I knock on her bedroom door.

Since no one answered, I cautiously open the door and peek inside. Momo's still sleeping. She's bundled in the covers and shivering.

"Tanaka, stop..." she mutters through her sleep. I grow alarmed at the mention of his name.

"Stop! Please stop!" She squirms and her face cringes.

"Momo!" I run to her and shake her awake.

"Shoto?!" She freezes and stares into my eyes for a while before reacting. "Oh Shoto!" She grabs hold of me and hugs me. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Were you dreaming?" I ask, alarmed.

"I... I think so." She sits up, still hugging me tightly. "It was Tanaka. He was gonna... he was going to hurt me."

At this I pull her to me and rub her back gently. "Momo, it's okay, it wasn't real. I'm here with you, Tanaka is in jail."

She makes an agreeing whimper and nods.

Tanaka is ruining her life even behind bars. And for that alone I pray for him to be in prison for a long, long time.

"Shoto... you smell nice." She rubs sleep out of her eyes and gives a small yarn.

"Heh, so do you. Taste even better."

"You're impossible, Todoroki Shoto." She giggles and I laugh with her, glad to hear her sound happy.

"I bet I look ridiculous right now," she mutters to herself.

I look at her, no makeup, no proper look like she had in most of her parents' photoshoots. A lavender silk nightgown. 

"I wouldn't exactly say ridiculous."

She shakes her head at me and says "You're early. We aren't supposed to leave for another hour and a half."

"I--" Did I really come that early? I get embarrassed and blush, turning away from her.

She snorts cutely and covers her mouth, laughing. "You are so diligent, To-Shoto. I ought to be up anyway though." She rises from the bed and walks into the bathroom.

I look around her room. It is beautiful with the alder painted walls, heart-shaped windows, bright white carpet, this king-sized bed she has. Her pretty desks and purple lamps in the shapes of swans.

I take out my phone and scroll social media. Looks like there was just a Tsukoyami-Ojitoru date this past week.

Hagakure sent me a picture of Bakugo with Camie but the picture seems to be taken so far away. She probably wasn't supposed to take the picture. I didn't even know Hagakure Toru knew my number.


I step back into my room with only a towel on. To my shock, Shoto is still there. He looks up at me once and then turns around in his chair so his back is to me. 

"Do you want me to go?" He asks.

I blush. "No, it's okay."

He continues scrolling through his phone, but I can see his ears redden. I snicker and get dressed.

"Okay, I'm done. You can look now."

Shoto looks back at me and his eyes widen. He blushes and looks me up and down, smirking. "You look beautiful."

"You look nice, too. Don't think I've ever seen you wear a suit other than yesterday. But this one looks better than the one on yesterday." I walk over to him and feel the material of his suit jacket.

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