Making Peace

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I've got some problems that you probably don't know about.

1. My father crashed in on me and my mom after abandoning us for a year

2. Two of my girlfriends have guys they like and won't admit it

3. Mom walked in on me and Shoto, she found out he was staying, and she's kicking him out


So, the last one occured a couple hours ago, actually. Shoto and I were having a reading session that quickly became a makeout session.

Shoto was lying back on my pillows, and I was between his legs resting on his chest. We were kissing and stroking each other's hair when Mom barged in (Damn me for forgetting to lock the door).

She dropped the laundry basket she was carrying and shrieked. Absolutely shrieked like a high-frequency noise.

Shoto and I didn't move from our position at first; there was too much shock. But after a couple seconds, we hastily broke apart and sat next to each other, stiff as boards.

"MOMO! MOMO! MOMO!" Mom sounded like she was on loop, saying my name a thousand times.

In my mind, I was screaming Mom! We were just kissing! And we were both fully clothed! It's not like there was anything juicy to see!!!

But here she was, staring at me like a convicted killer.

So, after Mom found out Shoto had been staying over the weekends, she banished him from my house and told me I was never allowed to see him again.

And now, we're back to the present.

"MOM! YOU CAN'T! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME AND SHOTO! I LOVE HIM AND I ALWAYS WILL!" I scream at her at the top of my lungs, not even paying attention to what I say.

"Oh, but I believe I can. I caught you necking and it's not just necking, it's sullying a whole reputation here."

"We weren't even doing anything that bad," I fire back. "And what reputation? I'm a rich kid who goes to hero school."

Shoto has been staring with wide eyes the whole argument. Mom purposely made him sit in the chair across from me.

"Your mother and I own large businesses," Dad finally speaks up. "That puts you in a place of fame, whether you like it or not. Now that I'm back, people are paying more attention to our family. Everything you do reflects the public eye's view of us. Do you want this to get out, Momo?"

I am so mad I could spit. Is having shitty fathers a trend that I did not know about?

Mom doesn't say anything to defend me. The first week of Dad being here, I swear her blood boiled. All that's gone when she says "Your father is right. This is not the type of thing you want to be out there. I can see the headlines now: Yaoyorozu's Daughter Secretly Keeps Boy In Her Room."

"Well, f**k them, I don't care."

"Language!" Both my parents yell at the same time.

"It seems a bit nosy of these papers," says Shoto. "Seems to me that they should mind their own business."

"And a smart aleck, at that," Mom sneers. "I've made up my mind. You can't see him anymore."

"In fact, we don't want you dating. When you come of age, we'll arrange a marriage for you, and that will be it. It's the only proper behavior of an heiress to a large business such as yourself," Dad says.

At that, tears fall. Shoto sees me crying and he glares. 

He jumps from his seat and walks over to me, wrapping me in a hug and, with no shame, locking lips with me in front of my disapproving parents. Again, shrieking. 

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