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(not my pictures)


"Are. You. KIDDING ME?!"

That's Jiro-chan. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is set in an o. "You're really going to go out with Todoroki Shoto?"

"Yup. I am."

"Finally, the girl is listening to me," Ashido grins.

"Excuse me, I was listening to my mother." I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"You suck," Ashido replies, sticking her tongue out at me.

"So, you finally went and did it, huh? You confessed, Yao-Momo?" Tsu asks.

"Yeah. I went to his house and his sister let me in. She's pretty.... anyway, Todoroki-kun told me that he likes me too, he just didn't know he did."

"Dense," Jiro says.

"I know, right! Good thing, you went to him, he wouldn't know what he was talking about!" Uraraka giggles.

At that, we all laugh a delicious laugh. I love talking to my friends and I'm glad I'm no longer mad at them because they were right all along.


"Do I look okay?"

"Oh shutup, Shoto, you look fine," Fuyumi rolls her eyes at me. "I always knew you were a stud, ever since you were a little kid. Of course, you didn't look it then, but when you got to be, say seven years old, I could just imagine what you'd look like as a teen, and the mental image was definitely accurate." 


"Yaoyorozu'll love you, you big baby."

She kisses my forehead and waves goodbye. I'm dressed in the hoodie with the ears that Yaoyorozu bought me.

I get a text from her that says meet me at the front of the place.

"The place" is an arcade.

I don't like or dislike arcades. I rarely go to them. I've been to one when I was five and I went to another because I was meeting Midoriya there. Other than that, I've never gone to an arcade and when I have gone, I didn't do much there. When I went as a child, my father paid for me to play the fighting simulators only. 

I clench my jaw at the thought of him.

Forget about him. You're going out with your crush, who is a very pretty, intelligent girl.


I see Yaoyorozu sitting on a bench by the door to the arcade. When she sees me, she waves and jumps up. And she's running...

What is she doing?

She's... rushing up to hug me.

She throws her arms around me the way she usually does and laughs. I feel a smile creeping onto my lips. When she pulls away from me, I do something that surprises me.

I lean in and kiss her cheek.

Goddamn. Yaoyorozu's skin is so soft. I could live an eternity with my lips on her cheek--

We're going to go ahead and forget I ever thought that.


Todoroki kissed my cheek. His lips are soft.

This has already become the best day of my life, and we haven't done anything yet! (Holy woah, I'm a little kid.)

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