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A/N: Yo, before I start, lemme just say I've been getting more comments and @Nooneofinportance, YOU ARE FRICKIN HILARIOUS!!! You and @MiguelCastro854 are gonna kill me with these LOL


I really like Todoroki as a friend. He's nice and he's hilarious. However, I doubt he means to be funny. I find him funny because of his denseness.

I'm walking in the hall and Ashido spots me walking with Todoroki Shoto. "What have we here?"

"Don't start, Ashido-chan," I warn her. 

"We're only friends," Todoroki agrees.

"Friends? Ha! Friends with benefits, maybe!"

"What does that mean?" Todoroki asked, no blush, no sweat, no nothing. He asked as if he was asking "Will it rain tomorrow?"

In spite of how furious I was with Ashido or how embarrassed I was at what she said, I laughed out loud at my friend's cluelessness.

I point right at him and cover my mouth as I laugh. Ashido looks at me like I'm insane, and as a matter of fact, so does Todoroki. But in that moment I don't even care.


When Ashido goes away (finally), Todoroki asks me "What does that mean?" 

Not wanting to be the one to tell him, I search up "what does 'friends with benefits' mean" and show him my phone. 

He reads for a couple seconds and then cringes. His right eye twitches twice and he stands there, looking like someone offered him raw meat.

"What the hell is wrong with everyone here?"

I burst out laughing again, that is the funniest sentence I have ever heard. 


Thanks to mine and Yaoyorozu's friends being idiots, I have learned several new words.

And I have got to say, I don't like any of them.

Ashido and Bakugo are certainly the most vulgar of the teasers, though they haven't said anything that made Yaoyorozu cringe too hard. Maybe it just shocks me when I learn the meanings of the words they use.

As for the "friends with benefits" thing, I keep hearing that.


I've heard that from Bakugo, Ashido, Jiro Kyoka, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hinata and Mineta Minoru.

Especially Mineta Minoru.

I think it's supposed to be funny, but for me it is only cringe (another word I learned, which is literally just a verb turned into a noun. I think I hate people.)

Yaoyorozu and I, for the most part, have the same reactions whenever people (i.e. Bakugo) say weird stuff about our friendship.

We'll just have to learn how to tune people out.


Okay, so Bakugo just called me a "playboy" and what the actual hell. I swear, people are never going to leave me and Yaoyorozu alone.

I have to admit that one shocked me.

I'm sitting outside under a tree right now, reading a book. I notice Midoriya jumping at Bakugo's roaring voice, which just called me a playboy again.

"Why won't he let me alone?"

"You really don't know?" Midoriya asks.

"Well, everyone seems to think Yaoyorozu and I are some sort of romantic couple, I don't get that."

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