Day With The Girls

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"Come on, Yao-Momo! We don't have all day!" Ashido screams at me from the car.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"You're going to a movie?" Mom asks.


"With your friends."


"All of them are girls?"


"And you're not sneaking away to see the sarcastic hoodlum by any chance?"

"He's not a hoodlum."

Before she can say anything else, I shut the door.


I'm going on a girls' day out in hopes of taking my mind off of Shoto. The girls still don't know what happened. I plan on telling them in the car.

Ashido is driving and Uraraka is in the passengers' seat, leaving Kyoka and Tsu in the middle with me between them. Hagakure is in the very back.

"So what's been going on with you guys?" Ashido asks.

"Nothing much," Uraraka says.

"I went to a fair with my family recently," Tsu says.

"Ojiro and I went to the fair too! Too bad we didn't catch you guys there," Hagakure says.

"My mother found out Shoto was staying at my house during weekends and she and Dad threw him out."


I exhale. "She walked in on us and told me how she and Dad have all these companies and I'm so famous and I'm spoiling my rep! So I can't date anymore and I can't see Shoto!"


Then chaos.

"WHAT?! SHE CAN'T DO THAT!!!!" Ashido screams.

"The b*tch. It's for real giving 1700s," Kyoka seethes with anger.

"But... she's taking away your fun. That's so unfair!" Uraraka huffs.

"That's cold, Yao-Momo," croaks Tsu.

"For real?! She's not letting you see Todoroki-kun? She may as well lock you up," Hagakure says.

"All of you are right. I can only see him in class now and I miss him so much. I'm going with you guys to take my mind off things."

"As you should. Your mom is a b*tch and your dad is a fool for coming back just to f*ck things up," Ashido says. "We're gonna cheer you up, right girls?!"

"YES!" A unanimous roar erupts.

I smile. My friends will always have my back, but I'm not sure how good a job they're going to do. 


We stop at the mall first and Kyoka is determined to make me try on everything, whether I buy it or not.

"Try this on, Momo!"

"Try this one, Yao-Momo!"

"This will look so good on you, Yaoyorozu!"

"Oh my gosh, look at this, Yaoyorozu-chan!"

After all that, I only end up buying two outfits, a purple sweater-vest with white jeans and a denim jacket, black crop, and white jean shorts.

"I hate shopping, can we get out of here now?" Kyoka suddenly asks.

"I'm with you," I agree. Being here reminds me too much of Shoto. Too much of him insisting on carrying my bags, too much of him watching me try on outfits and then trying to pretend he wasn't drooling over it and vice-versa.

It hurts even just being here.

"'Kay, let's just get some food," Ashido suggests. Everyone gives their agreement and so we move on to the food court.

"Cool, Yao-Momo. I like sushi, too!" Tsu says.

I don't tell her that I'm eating sushi because it's the meal that reminds me the least of Shoto.

"I'm getting sob--"

"No you're not," Kyoka cuts Hagakure off, smacking her hand. She glances at me quickly and then whispers in Hagakure's ear.

"Oh!" Hagakure realizes. "Tendon, then."

I try to pretend I didn't hear as I eat more of my food. 

"Kirishima and I come here all the time to eat from a specific restaurant," Ashido tells us. "He has to be the hungriest man I've ever seen."

"Huh, Tokoyami's the opposite," Tsu laughs. "Eats like a bird."

"Ha-ha," Kyoka rolls her eyes.

"I usually go to Ojiro's house for food," Hagakure chimes in. "We like cooking together."

Kyoka gets a frustrated look on her face and then says, "So... um... what's you guys's favorite hangouts?"

Huh. So Kyoka notices. Am I doing that bad a job of covering it up or does she just know me to well? It might actually be both.

After that, we went to the movies.

"Jiro-chan, move your ass, I'm trying to get by you," Ashido complains.

"I'm looking at the poster!"


I giggle at them and for a slight moment, I forget all about Mom and Dad and Shoto. I buy candy and popcorn with my friends and watch the movie with them. We laugh at the movie and each other, annoying everyone else in the theatre, and I actually have a good time.

Until... another character comes into the film. He has the exact same hairstyle as...


"Bathroom," I whisper to Kyoka and run to the bathroom. Once there, I lock myself in a stall. Sit on the floor with my back against the stall door, and cry my eyes out.

Just when he was starting to get off of my mind.

It's never going to work. Ever.

I just can't forget about him.


 I love you, Momo.

Wherever you are right now.

We don't even text anymore because I made that mistake once, she sent me a picture of herself, and I burst into tears. I fell asleep crying, dreamed about Momo, and woke up with fresh tears.

I hate going to school now. I walk in, look to my left, see her, and then I have to fight tears the rest of the day.

I cry any more, and I'm going to become a raisin, all the water gone from me.

"Momo," I breathe.

I finger my necklace and stare up at my ceiling. 

Though I try to stop it, tears roll from the sides of my eyes to my pillow.

A/N: Another short chapter but eh. They will see each other next chapter, I couldn't wait that long lol

More Than Anything - A Todomomo fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें