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I hate my parents more than ever today.

They arranged a marriage for me just so that I couldn't see Shoto.

They're more excited than I have ever seen them excited about something before. Today's the day that I meet Tanaka Hideo, my fiancé.

I didn't think it was possible to cry harder than I did on the day that Mom kicked Shoto out. But this...

They're forcing me to marry someone I don't love.

"Momo! Don't dawdle, hurry up. I have some things to teach you about the life of a married woman. Rule one, don't be lazy, you are expected to wake up before him so he can wake up to a nutritious breakfast before work."

Hmm, sexist much? I roll my eyes.

I make my bed and quickly shower. I put on a pale yellow dress and do my own hair before Mom can offer. I'm going to avoid either of my parents touching me for as much as I can.

I walk downstairs, hoping that my posture is okay and they can't see the remnants of tears. I just wish everyone would leave me alone.

"Momo, you are beautiful!" Mom claps.

"Yes, you look very wonderful. Well done, Momo," Dad agrees.

I nod once and go to sit on the sofa, though I can't be comfortable like I want because I have to keep my back straight and shoulders back and head high. It's the most uncomfortable position on this Earth.

"He'll be here in a few minutes, and he's going to stay for dinner, as well! Isn't that exciting?" Mom squeals.

"About as exciting as a heart attack," I mumble under my breath.


What's going to happen to Momo? I think about it as I go through my day; I've thought about it since I came home after kissing her that one day in the forest.

 I twirl the soba noodles around my chopsticks and pretend that I'm okay, but Fuyumi's looking at me weird.

"Are you okay, Shoto?" she asks.

"Um, sure."

"Very convincing. Shoto, you tell me what's wrong."


"Alright," Fuyumi tries to look away from me, focusing on the refrigerator. She sips her tea and avoids my eyes.

I can't stand watching her forcibly ignoring me, so I finally open up. "I'm not okay. Momo and I haven't seen each other like we used to for over three months and that's been hard, but lately, I feel like something bad is going to happen to her. Her parents don't like me and it seems like they don't want her to be happy, either."

"Why don't they like you?"

"Her mother didn't exactly get a good first impression of me," I mutter.

Fuyumi takes my hands in hers and says "I wish you would've told me sooner. If anything is going on with Momo, I'll of course help her. But she's with her parents, and it's not our place to tell anyone how to raise their child. So, we'll need proof."

She's right, but I can't help worrying.


I hop off of the bus and walk into the hospital. After greeting the woman at the desk, I go to Mom's room and say hello.

"Shoto! Come, sit here." She motions to a chair near her bed. I sit down and she smiles at me with excitement.

"Hey, Mom."

More Than Anything - A Todomomo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now