Home Again

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It's been two weeks since we came home from the winter vacation. As soon as I returned, I assured Mom that Shoto and I didn't do anything "she wouldn't do".

I cannot say the same for Kyoka and Kaminari-kun.

Speaking of Kyoka and Kaminari, they started going out officially a week after the trip.

"I might as well tell you guys, I'm going out with Kami now."
"Oh my God, I'm so happy for you!" Ashido ran up to Kyoka and attacked her with one of her infamous, bone-crushing hugs.
"Yeah, yeah. You were right, Momo. But I never said that, and never mention it ever, okay?" Kyoka rolled her eyes.

Also, Bakugo and Utsushimi started dating. And so, we're on our first group-date with all our friends, a small get-together at Ashido's.

Bakugo's been drinking, even though it's against the law. He's the only one, though. Kaminari tried to pop open a can, but Kyoka's been watching him like a hawk to make sure he doesn't because, and I quote, "I'm not driving tonight, you incompetent iPhone charger."

"I finished it," Shoto tosses me back my manga.

"How was it?"

"Quite interesting. Glad it's over though, that kind of thing is really time-consuming."

"Over?! Shoto please," I laugh at his ignorance, "there are like ten more!"

"T-ten..." Shoto freezes and grimaces. I know I shouldn't laugh, but I can't help it.


Nobody moves because we all know he's lying. Bakugo's just being slightly meaner than usual to Midoriya because of the beer, but Midoriya isn't even paying him any attention. He's too focused on the board game he's playing with Tsu, Tokoyami, Ochaco, Hagakure, and Ojiro.

"Oi, Katsuki," Kirishima yells from afar, "leave Midoriya alone, ya drunk-ass nimrod." He laughs and leans back on his chair.

"Ah, shut up, Shitty Hair! I don't need this bullshit." And then he sits down on a couch, lays back, and closes his eyes. 

Everyone laughs at Bakugo's drunken nonsense. 

"I have another Manga for you, Shoto," I sit next to Shoto and pull a rolled up Manga out of my purse.

"Oh, is this Volume 2?" Shoto asks, intrigued. 

"That it is!" I cheer.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's read it."

"Well," I say with mock surprise, "look who's gotten into the story." Shoto rolls his eyes but grins. 


"Shoto, wake up!" Natsuo bangs on my door as if he is trying to knock it off of its hinges.

"What do you want, Natsuo?" I grit my teeth in irritation. 

"We're all going to visit Mom, did you forget?"

I lean over to my beside table and pick up the rectangular clock which reads 12:40 pm. "Shit!"

"He did," Natsuo sighs from outside.

"I'm coming," I force myself out of bed and run into the bathroom.

"You get ten minutes and then we're leaving you!"

"No we won't," I hear Fuyumi yell just as I close the bathroom door.

Though being short, the shower is relaxing and a nice contrast to the cold that seems to have made its way into my room while I was sleeping.

After brushing my teeth, I secure my towel around my waist and walk back into my room to get dressed.

I don't have time to decide what to wear, but I doubt Mom minds.

"Finally," Natsuo glares at me.

Fuyumi hits Natsuo in the shoulder and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Shoto, quit adding fuel to the fire."


"How are you, Shoto, honey?" Mom smiles at me comfortably. 

"Fine, how are you?"

"Just fine. And how is that young lady.... Yaoyorozu?"

"Oooh," Natsuo nudges me. I roll my eyes at him.

"Momo is fine as well, Mom."

"They went on a holiday vacation in a cabin with a bunch of their friends," Fuyumi says.

I don't understand why my siblings always find my life more interesting than their own.

"Oh, there was a chaperone, wasn't there? And you were a gentleman, Shoto?" 

"Yes, Mom." I almost roll my eyes at my mother, but stop myself. Everyone seems to be asking this question ever since we returned from the trip. 

"I got a new job, Mom!" Natsuo grins.

"That's wonderful Natsu, what do you do?"

As the conversation turns to Natsuo, I wonder what Momo is doing right now. I know her father's murder didn't have much of a lasting effect on her, but I know that what that bastard Tanaka put her through hurt her. And I hope she's getting better from that.

I catch myself smiling as I think about her, but I can't help it. She is like a light that brightens my day.


I can't focus on my book because I keep imagining the love interest with heterochromatic eyes and multicolored hair when the book describes him as orange-haired with green eyes.

I let the book rest on my nose and sigh, letting Shoto consume my thoughts. I wonder about what he could be doing at this moment. I consider checking his Insta, but he never posts. 

I click my phone on, gazing at the picture of us on my lock screen. As my phone goes off and the picture fades to black, Shoto is still clear in my mind.

He is like the blaze that warms my heart.

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