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Luffy is now packing his things that he needs to set sail. He is now 17 years old and ready to start his pirate life. He has been keeping an eye on what is happening to his brothers. Ace became the second division commander of Yonko Whitebeard, and Sabo became revolutionary number two. He is proud of his brothers because they grew up strong and without regrets.

Dadan: Are you really going to leave now, Luffy? Can't you wait another year?

Dadan is crying right now because all of the kids that he treated like his own are now gone and living the lives that they desired since they were kids. Dadan isn't opposed to Luffy becoming a pirate, but the pain of losing the kids that you take care of is actually painful.

Luffy: Dadan san, this is my dream. I want to set sail and become free. I want to see the beautiful sea and make some new friends.

Dadan: No one can really stop you, right? 

Luffy: Sorry Dadan san, but I must do this, plus I will visit you guys when I decide to go on a vacation and bring my whole crew here.

Dadan: We will miss you, Luffy. 

Dogra: Yeah, you are the only one who is helping us with house chores when Ace and Sabo are still here.

Magra: And you go out and hunt wild boars or crocodiles for us.

Luffy: Oh come on, don't make me regret leaving you guys here! In fact, I hate mountain bandits, but I like you guys. 

Dadan: You brat, just leave!

Luffy: Shishishi, okay! Take care, Dadan san and everyone!

Luffy runs out, leaving the sobbing Dadan family behind. He is now going to visit his "mother," Makino, to bid his farewell. He is close to climbing down the mountain when he senses a strong aura behind him. He gulps, recognising who it is, and it is no other than his grandfather, Monkey D. Garp.

Garp: Where do you think you are going, brat? I thought I told you that you were going to be a marine! 

Luffy turns around with a hint of determination on his face. He is ready to fight his grandfather just to get the freedom that he wants and he will never join the marines because he despises how they work and kill innocent people even though it's their job to protect them.

Luffy: Gramps, please! I don't want to join the marines. I want to be free and see the world with my friends! 

Garp: I see. I guess I can't really stop you. You are like your father, doing whatever he wants to do.

Luffy: Huh? What do you mean? 

Garp: I'm letting you set sail, brat, but first take this as a gift for your birthday.

Luffy: Huh? 

The Garp shows a big treasure box. Luffy is confused because he didn't see the box earlier.

Luffy: Did you give me a gift? Really? Is that mine? 

Garp: Yeah, I know you are going to be a pirate... No, it's your fate to be a pirate. So I will not force you to become a marine. 

Luffy: Gramps, Are you okay? Is this really you? 

Garp: What exactly do you mean?! 

Luffy: Well, you always force me to become a good marine and I appreciate that, but I can't imagine you approving me to become a pirate.

Garp: Do you want a fist of love? 

Luffy: No

Garp: Then open it before I change my mind, you brat!

Luffy immediately takes the box from his grandfather's hand and opens it. His eyes widened in shock when he saw what was inside.

Luffy: Wait what?! A sword and a black captain's cape.

Garp: That's not just a sword, it's called Ace.

Luffy: Huh?

Garp: This is Gol D. Roger's sword. He entrusted this to me along with taking care of his baby.

Luffy: Ehh?! No way, this is the pirate king's sword! You mean you are giving this to me? But why? 

Garp: Roger said to throw it in the trash because the sword's mission was done, but as usual, I didn't listen, so it's yours now.

Luffy: Thank you, gramps! 

Garp was shocked when Luffy suddenly hugged him. He's known Luffy for a long time, and Luffy doesn't want to show his weaknesses to others. Yes, he is a gentle person, but this is his first time seeing Luffy full of happiness.

Luffy: Thank you for supporting my dream, grandpa.

Garp smiles softly at his grandson. He is happy too and doesn't care any more if his grandson doesn't want to be a marine or not. He just wants to see Luffy happy.

Garp: Now go before I change my mind.

Luffy wears the cape and puts the sword on his waist

He then turned around and started climbing down the mountain again, but he stopped for a moment and looked over his shoulder. He gave his grandpa a closed-eyed smile and said

Luffy: I love you, grandpa

Garp couldn't hold back any more and he burst into tears while watching Luffy climb the mountain to go to the shore.

Garp: You foolish brat.

(Luffy's outfit is what he is wearing on Wano.) 


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Luffy goes inside the bar to bid his farewell to Makino, his second mother.

Luffy: Makino san 

Makino: Luffy I'm going to miss you.

Luffy: Yeah, me too, but this is my dream and I will finally going do it.

Makino: I understand, but be careful, okay? Don't trust others too much and eat healthy foods.

Luffy: You can count on me, Makino san.

Makino: I know you are smart enough to know this, and good luck on finding your crew. You should go and set sail.

Luffy started to walk away from the bar, but he felt like he needed to say something more before he went, so he stopped.

Luffy: I love you, Okaasan

Makino's eyes started to get teary. She was happy to hear that, especially from Luffy. Ever since she met Luffy, her life has always been full of joy because she doesn't have any kids, so she gave Luffy the love of a mother that he needed.

Luffy bids his farewell to the whole windmill village. He is now riding his boat with a sea king pulling it... A sea king, indeed. The creature tries to eat him, but he uses the conqueror's haki to tame it so he can use the sea king to pull the boat.

Luffy: Now it's time to pick up my first mate. Zoro shishishi

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